a passing

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"You can't do the procedure! Stop!" I continuously banged on the door to the surgery room until my arms were numb.

"Madison why? Why? Why? You said he would never forgive me for doing it but how could he possibly forgive you?!? Why Madison!" I couldn't catch my breath.

"Security?!?" A bitch nurse called for security like her life depended on it and out came men in black uniforms.

"Ma'am we're going to have to ask you to leave."

"No! I can't don't you understand?!? My best friend gave her life for my brother! It was supposed to be me! It was supposed to be me! It was supposed to be me!"

I continued to bang on the door until one of the officers grabbed my arms.

"Ay! Don't touch my girl like that! Get the hell away from her!" Melo yanked the guards hands off of me.

"Sir, we don't want any problems but this young lady here is causing one. So I'm going to have to ask you both to please remove yourself from the premises."

Melo glared at the officer and then grabbed my shoulder, "Come here, Maya. We gotta go."

I yanked his hand off of me,"Get off of me Melo! Please you gotta understand! It wasn't supposed to be her!"

"Then who was it supposed to be then? Because it sure as hell wasn't gone be you, Maya." Melo was furious but he had no right to be. This was between me and myself not him!

"Come on Maya." Gelo peaked his head from around the corner. He was sitting in the car waiting for us but then came in. His eyes showed sympathy for which he felt for me. But I didn't want it. I didn't want people to feel bad for me. It wasn't supposed to be like this.

That night, I walked out of the hospital with two Ball brothers, knowing that my best friend was dead.

Deep down inside, I knew I wanted to feel sorrow, saddness and depression. But I just couldn't. All I wanted.. was Revenge.

The car was silent as Melo continued down the road back to the estate.

A ringing from my phone caught me off guard.

"Hello?" I answered without looking at the caller I.D

"Maya, baby. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know that was your best friend and she meant the world to you. Just know she did it for your brother and even though I didn't like her very much, I knew that she loved Kyle and Kyle loved her. And she saved my baby from dying which means I love her too." My mother poured her feelings into the phone and for once I believed every single word she said. It sounded so sincere and I couldn't ask for anything more.

"Yeah. I know."

"Well, Madison's father heard what happened.. he's spiraling and I'm not sure if he's going to tell her sister and brother. It's just too much for them." My mother began sniffling.

A pinch of guilt surged through me like a bolt of lightning. Mr.Williams loved his daughter and just like that she was gone. I'm not sure how you could recover from that.

"He let me know that a funeral is in motion. It would be held back home an-"

"Im not going." I had to her cut off. She would be explaining that for nothing. I had no motives for going to see my best friends dead corpse laying in a casket, lifeless.

"But, honey-"

"Look mom, I'll call you later. I just don't want to talk about this right now. Goodnight." I ended the call before she could say anything more.

Melo looked me after I ended the call. I couldn't read his face though, it was just blank. Maybe he didn't know what to feel either, how to console me, make me feel better. But who could possibly blame him? I didn't know how to make myself feel better either.

It was like. I got Kyle back but I had to lose someone near and dear in the process. It was almost like the world needed take some good out in order to put good in.

I hated it.

Because now, I would forever be torn for saying 'I just want my brother back.'

"Maya?" Melo tapped my shoulder.

"Uh, yeah?"

"We here." I looked in front of me and there was the Ball Estate in all its glory. Gelo had already gotten out of the car and Melo was waiting for me to exit too.

"You can go inside, Melo. I'll be in in a minute, thanks." I gave him a false reassuring smile.

"You sure?" He asked. I just nodded silently and he got out the car. Once I saw him go inside the house, I pulled out my phone and searched for a particular number.

Once I had found it, I dialed it quickly.

"This is the Chino Hills department of Justice is there a problem?"

"Uh hello- yes I'm a relative of Kyle Kuzma. I am looking for intel about the Chino Hills Apartments fire?" I'm not sure if they were allowed to give out information but it was worth a shot.

"Oh okay, let me just look through the files real quick. My sons and I are very big fans by the way..of your brother that is." The man spoke nervously into the phone.

"Oh yeah? Thanks." This was good. Really good.

"Ah hah. It says here that the fire was started by a leak of a gasoline pipe in the apartment. When they did the investigation, they found that the pipe was forced off which caused a fire when the stove was turned on."

"So.. the fire was intentional?"

"That could very be the case, ma'am. I'm sorry."

"Yeah thanks. That's all I needed to know. I appreciate your help. Have a good night."

"You too. Goodbye."

I dropped my arm and let out a deep breath. This fire wasn't an accident. It was on purpose and whoever it was who committed this crime, was gonna pay.
"Would you like some of my famous chicken tacos, Maya?" Lavar revealed a plate with 3 big obnoxious tacos sitting on top. They smelled delicious.

Dinner was being served at the Ball family residence. I had been sitting at the kitchen island watching Lavar cook as I brainstormed ideas about how I was going to get to the Chino Hills apartments tomorrow without Melo finding out.

"No thanks, Lavar. Im not that hungry."

Lavar just shrugged his shoulders and  said, "Suit yourself!"

"You haven't been eating, shawty. Why?" Melo had crept behind me his arms were placed on the counter as he stood behind me.

"I just haven't been hungry. That's all." I shrugged.

"Well you gotta eat something or else you gone be lookin like Melo in the 8th grade. Bony as shit!" Gelo entered the kitchen and added his two sense into our conversation.

Melo smacked his lips,"Nigga shut up. Ain't no body was even talking to yo albino lookin ass."

I let out a small laugh as Melo began to get riled up.

"I know you ain't talkin you look like the ultimate albino. Shut the hell up."

I tried to contain my laugh for Gelo's comeback although it was funny, you can't laugh at someone else's joke if it wasn't from your man. That's an unwritten rule you gotta live by.

"Both of you shut it. And come and get food." Tina interrupted the boys' roasting each other and handed them their plates slowly but surely. She was getting better every day in spite of everything that was going on around her. It was inspiring.

Before Melo got his plate he kissed me on the cheek, "Just eat something, okay mamas?"

I looked down. I'll try, Melo. For you.

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