basketball practice

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Exams were coming up. And you already know what that means. Time to stress the hell out.

It was a hot Thursday afternoon and I was in my last hour. The day went by very slowly and at this point It felt like I was never going to get out of this claustrophobic classroom.

My math teacher, Ms.Hendrix was droning on and I took my notes but it was hard to not to lay my head on my desk and just take a little nap. Mostly everyone in the class looked dead but I was still focused on the math problems that were written on the board. I had goals to reach and this was the only way it was going to happen.

"Alright that's about it for class today, have a good day and see you all tomorrow." As soon as the words came from her mouth everyone shot out of there seats and the bell rung. I got up too, eager to beg Kyle for Chick-fil-a when he came to pick me up.

Before I got stopped.

"Wait, Ms.Kuzma. I would like for you to stay back. I need to talk to you about something."

I internally groan. What could this possibly be about? I thought I had a perfect A in this class.

"Is there something wrong, Ms.Hendrix?" I looked a litte worried and she could probably tell. I couldn't afford to get any bad grades in any of my classes I had things to do, places to go.

"No not at all. You're actually doing exceptionally well in my class, and I've talked to your other teachers and they told me you could very well potentially be valedictorian next year."

The words that came out of her mouth made me very happy. I was really on that grind and the hard work is actually paying off.

"Oh that's great! So what did you want to talk about?" I ask curiously. If I was doing great in class, what did she want?

"Okay well, seeing as exams are coming, I need your help. I have a student who needs some extra help to prepare for the exams. Their parents really wanted me to get them a tutor. You're the only candidate. You're at the top in your grade. If you accept this offer the principle will give you extra credit in all your classes."

How could I say no? Although I was stressed out about the exams myself, the extra credit would balance my grade out if I were to fail my tests. That wasn't going to happen but it was better safe than sorry. That would also look so good on my college applications.

After thinking for a quick second, I made my decision.

"I am willing to accept your offer." I was ready to take on whatever to get to where I wanted. This would really benefit me in the long run.

"Well that's great to hear, you start today." Ms. Hendrix says getting her papers together getting ready to leave.

"Wait huh? Who am I tutoring? You never told me." I don't get it. Who is struggling in our grade? I had no clue. Was it Ashley? She seemed pretty out of the loop.

"His name is LaMelo Ball. You probably know him." She shrugs and with that she walks out of the classroom without a second to waste.

I couldn't really believe Melo was the one who needed tutoring. Out of all people, it had be LaMelo.

For the past couple of weeks I've been keeping my distance from Melo because I wanted to focus on my school work and finish the year off strong.

Whenever Kyle would want to go over to the Estate, I would give him an excuse like I had cramps or something like that. He would usually freak out and drive home so fast. It was really hilarious.

Melo made me feel weird. Whenever I saw his face, my heart got a burst of warmth inside. The way he laughed was a whole different story. It felt as if I was having a heart attack or something. This was exactly why I had to keep my distance.

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