Chaptwr Sixty Six

Start from the beginning

"Do you feel sick?" Tae asked. I shrugged. "It's not going to keep me in bed," I said. "I have a very important thing to do today."

"I know. But when you're done, you're gonna rest."

I sighed. "Tae, I have to get ready and be prepared for anything the tiger gang might do. I need you to be safe."

"My safety might be your priority, but mine is for you to be healthy and happy. Right now you are not healthy, so as soon as you come back from what you have to do, you are going to let me take care of you until your fever is gone."

"But that would take all day!"


I blinked. I liked the sound of him taking care of me. Like it was a mutual thing even if Tae couldn't do so much. "Okay," I said quietly, and Taehyung covered his eyes. I took that moment to change and when I was in the tub, he opened up again and sat next to me on the ground, resting his head llin his arms on the edge.

"I love you so much," I couldn't help myself from saying it again. "I love you so, so much." Taehyung blushed and smiled. "I love you too," He whispered back. I sat up straight and placed my fingers under his chin, pulling his face up so I could look at him clearly. Taehyung looked back at me, into my eyes, with his bold but shy expression. His golden smooth skin. Beautiful blue eyes. Plump, red lips...

I pulled his face closer to mine until our noses touched and closed my eyes, our breaths mingling. "I love you more than I've ever loved anyone, Tae, so if anything ever happens to you- if anyone so much as lays another finger on you again... I will lose myself. I don't know what would come over me or what I would do."

"I don't know what I would do either, if I'd lost you," Tae whispered back. "So let's not lose each other. Now kiss me already, I can't hold myself any longer."

I smiled and pulled his face even closer, tickling his lips with my own for a moment before pressing them together, then licking his and requesting entrance.

And it was a really good kiss. It lasted for a very long time and we ended up making out until my bathwater got really cold and Tae's shirt was soaked. His hands grasping at my bare shoulders and my hands pulling him ever closer by his neck and hair. His white shirt was so soaked that when we pulled apart, I could see all his injuries clearly as if the shirt wasn't there.

Taking note of the ones that looked more fresh, I went back in for more, pushing him upwards and standing up to step out of the tub. I held him against the wall and kissed him again starting to hear small moans and sighs coming out of him. "Hold on," I whispered. I left him at the wall and put on a shirt and underwear.

And then, of course, went back to making out. I slipped his shirt off, as the water was pretty cold and I didn't want him to freeze. I couldn't get enough of him. His taste kept me coming for more. Somehow we had made it all the way out of the bathroom and onto my bed, where I pinned Tae down and began kissing him sloppily. When we got back into the whole flow of things, I took a risk and trailed a hand down to unbutton his pants. He didn't shy away. His dynamic changed as if he knew I was doing it, but he was still trying to find out if he should care.

In a swift movement, his pants were off and I broke the kiss to look at his legs. There were nasty scars underneath his shirt that didn't look very well taken care of and I wanted to see if there were more on his legs.

"What are you doing?"

"Tae, why haven't you treated these?" I asked quietly. There were bruises on his hips and the top part of his thighs and on the inside of them there were scratches and even more bruises. I felt my anger bubble but had to keep my cool. "So that EunHo dick went this
hard, huh?" I said in a low voice.

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