Chapter Sixty Three

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Taehyung Focus

I woke up to Jimin and Yoongi fighting in the room. I sat up and they immediately shut their mouths. "Tae, how are you?" Jimin asked sweetly.

"Where's Hoseok?" I asked. Yoongi looked down as Jimin glared at him. "H-He uh... He'll be back." Jimin said. Yoongi frowned and stepped forward. "He's not a baby, Jimin." He said. Before Jimin could open his mouth, Yoongi looked at me and said, "He went to get Jungkook."

I stood up instantly. "I- He won't survive! It's so dangerous there!" I exclaimed. The elevator dinged and opened, and I looked over, but didn't see anyone. Jimin gasped. I looked past them to see Jungkook on the elevator floor. I scrambled over to him and Yoongi and Jimin climbed into the elevator with me. "Jungkook, can you hear me?!" I said loudly. He made a small sound. His eyes were closed and he was hardly breathing. There was a shit ton of blood on the side of his head and bruises on his face.

"H-Hoseok..." He muttered. I looked at yoongi and Jimin. "Help me get him to the medical wing, now." I ordered.

About fifteen minutes later, we had gotten Jungkook onto one of the hospital beds and I started my work. I put an oxygen mask on his face to keep him breathing and hurried to the cabinet to grab supplies and come back. I had to remove his jacket to find bandages tied messily all around his body and they were so completely soaked, there was no white to be seen. It was scary.

He was bleeding through his pants too, so I removed everything he had on him and began to clean him. Of course, only after closing the door. I didn't want either of the other two to see him like that.

Once all his wounds were clean, his bruises iced and pasted, and an IV was situated in his arm, I covered him with the blanket and wrote a note not to move when he woke up.

Then I left to find Yoongi and Jimin and tell them everything.

About six hours later, I woke up to steady beeping sounds and rustling. I was asleep in a chair, my head resting in my arms on top of a table. "Wait, no, go back to sleep," A steady voice said. "That shit's cute."

I nodded tiredly, my eyes still closed, and laid my head back down. You idiot. My eyes flew wide open and I sat straight up. "Jungkook, you're awake!"

"No, actually, I'm asleep," He replied with a warm, light sarcasm. Sarcasm that wasn't meant to be rude, but funny. I decided not to take offense. "You wake up and the first words you say are, 'That shit's cute.' You don't wonder what's going on?"

"Actually, my first words were something along the lines of, 'I need to pee or my bladder's gonna explode.' And no I don't want to know what happened. All I need to know is that you treated me and I'm back," Jungkook paused for a moment. "A-And we may need to go pick up Hoseok."

I froze. "Is he still- Is he stuck back at the Tiger Gang?" I asked. Dread coursed through me at the thought of going back again for Hoseok. Jungkook shook his head, then grimaced at the movement. I walked over to him. "I dropped him off at a hospital."

"What happened to him?" I asked. Jungkook swallowed. "Never mind," I whispered. I walked over to him. "Don't think about it. Also, don't move. It'll hurt."

Jungkook reached out and grabbed my hand, rubbing his thumb across the top. A gesture that calmed him, obviously, but he tried to hide it. I placed another hand on top of his and brought it closer to me, kneeling down next to his bed. "It already hurts," he whispered. "A-and I'm confused. I-I have no idea how I survived."

I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "Don't think about it," I repeated.

Silence. Jungkooks face was creased in worry and confusion. I leaned over him and continued to kiss his face, trying to get rid of the lines.

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