Chapter Twenty Seven

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Taehyung Focus

As soon as the elevator door closed behind Jungkook and his friend, I sat up and stretched. For some reason, I felt that I needed to go to the prison cell hallway. I went into the bathroom and splashed water into my face. I needed to wait for a bit before I could go into the elevator or I could bring Jungkook right back, and he would punish me. Would he though? A little voice in my head asked. I shuddered. It was cold in here. I walked over to Jungkook's closet and looked around for something warm to put over the pajamas he lent me. I'm sure he won't mind...

Around five minutes later, I pushed the elevator button, wearing Jungkook's jacket (the only one I could find), and waited. Once it opened, I hopped in and pressed the button to the hospital wing. I had seen Jungkook press it enough times to know it was the -7th floor.

Upon entering the medical wing, I walked into Suga's room only to find he was missing. I rolled my eyes. Checking on Jimin I bet. I walked out of the room and down to Jimin's. Of course, as expected, he was there, sitting in the chair that was practically labeled his.

He looked over his shoulder at me when I entered. "What do you want?" He asked. It probably wasn't meant to sound mean, but ouch, his words stung sometimes. "I-I want to ask where the prison wing is," I said. Suga frowned.

"Why?" He asked. I blinked. Oops, didn't think about that. I thought. "F-For my jacket. I think it was left down there."

"Isn't that your jacket?" Suga asked. I looked down at the one I was wearing. No, it's Jungkook's. "I-I want my o-other one. This is not as good." I lied. To be honest though, Jungkook's jacket was so fucking warm I could step into Antarctica with only it and be okay. It was also big on me, so I could just shrink into it and be just fine. Suga squinted at me. "It's one floor above this one." He said. "I'm escorting you."

"No!" I said. Shit. "Um, I need you to keep an eye on Jimin. He could wake up at any time and it's best if you stay here for now until someone else can fill in for you." I found it easy to fabricate the lie, and it sounded pretty convincing to me, but for Suga, it was like he could literally sniff it.

He glanced at Jimin, who shifted in his sleep. I widened my eyes, trying to distract him. "He's moving!" I said. Suga grunted. "He does that. Doesn't mean he's gonna wake up. Go back to Jungkook's room. You're not supposed to leave."

"But my jacket!"

"I'll send Jungkook to go get it later."

"He's with a friend."

"Hoseok? Okay. Don't care. Just go back to his room. Jungkook can get it when he comes back."

I pouted at the floor. "Fine," I grumbled. "What about Jimin?"

"What about him?"

"Is he okay?"

"As okay as he'll get, for the time being."


"Why are you asking me? You're the doctor."

"I think you know better than I do at this point."

Suga looked down. "Just go." I nodded and hesitantly, I left the room. Does he even realize he told me where the prison wing is? I thought, grinning to myself. I almost skipped down the hallway to the elevators and entered Jungkook's. Once inside, I looked at the array of buttons. The level above this one... I pressed -6.

Once the elevator opened, I stepped out and walked down the hallway. The smell made me cringe and dig my face into Jungkook's jacket. That didn't help. As soon as I peered into one of the rooms, I knew why it smelled so bad. I backed so quickly out of the room I bumped into the wall on the other side of the hallway. The hall was so narrow, only one person could fit, so people would have to walk in single file lines. "Now, which one was I in?" I wondered out loud. I looked through each cell to look for my room, and despite the fact that it was so dim, I could barely see, the silhouettes of the bodies were enough to almost make me throw up.

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