Chapter Seventy One

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Lmao was his power surprising? I have been planning that for the entire book but putting it in all of a sudden made it feel stupid y'all feelin me?

Hoseok Focus

Jungkook hopped out of his elevator and walked up to me. "What's happening?" He asked. I shrugged. "I don't know," I said. "Somebody screamed that the leader is dead and everybody fled. I'm really confused."

Jungkook frowned. "Maybe they're getting more people?"

"I dunno. Do you think maybe they didn't want to come here but their leader forced them to? And now that he's dead, they don't have to be here." I asked. Jungkook shrugged. "Maybe," He said. "Just make sure to stay ready. They could still come back at any time."

I sighed. "Yeah," I muttered. "So what happened? You took forever."

"EunHo told Tae first. So we had a long conversation. He's mad at me."

"Is he okay?"


"Are you okay?"

Jungkook hesitated. "I'll be fine. I'm mainly just pissed that I didn't tell Taehyung first but Tae has a right to be mad at me."

I nodded. "He's lucky to have you. Lucky you understand that," I said. Jungkook shrugged. "He would be luckier if he didn't have to be a part of this mess." He said. I nodded. "Maybe, but that's nothing you can change," I said. "For now, just focus on getting through this." Jungkook looked down. "I'm gonna take Tae out to see the stars tonight," He said. "He's never seen the ones here."

"I'm willing to bet he's never seen stars, period."

"Maybe. I mean, of course he's seen stars- at least before he was kidnapped a long time ago- but there;s no way he hasn't seen the night sky in that long."

"Hmmmm... Actually, he might have been paying attention when we drove him home from the Tiger Gang, but-"

Jungkook scoffed. "Home?" I frowned. "Yes?"

"This is no home to him. You can understand why."

I nodded. "I guess," I said. "But there's not much you can do about that either." Jungkook blinked and looked at me. "Actually... nevermind. I'll tell you about it later," he said. I frowned. "Wait no. What do you mean?" I asked. Jungkook gave me a small smile and walked away. "Be ready for anything," He called over his shoulder.

I turned around and began to look around for any signs of Yoongi. There were lots of people all around, mourning over their friends or family dead on the floor, or trying to find them. I hoped Yoongi was okay. As soon as the elevator opened, he ran out and got lost in the crowd- probably trying to find people to take his anger out on. They killed Jimin after all.

I found Yoongi lying on the floor with his eyes closed about ten feet away from me. Fear coursed through my veins. I rushed over to him and knelt down next to him. There was blood running down from his temple to his neck.

"Y-Yoongi?" I asked. For a second, no reply. "Wait, you-you can't be dead too-too, Yoong-"

"I'm not dead, just resting," Yoongi said. I jumped out of my skin. "Yoongi!" I scolded. "You scared me you fucking idiot!" He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Would you rather I was dead?" He asked. I gasped. "N-no! You're all I've got other than Jungkook and Tae. You're not dying too."

"What if I want to die?"

"I'm not letting you."

"Are you trapping me in this hell then?"

I frowned. "You're not thinking about killing yourself now are you?" I asked. Yoongi sighed. "I told you, Hoseok. Jimin was my only reason to live." He closed his eyes. "He is dead and there is nothing left for me but the pain of his absence."

I suddenly felt hurt at those words. And then that hurt turned into exhaustion. Exhaustion from hearing things like that from Yoongi all the time. And then that exhaustion turned to anger.

I grabbed Yoongi's arm and yanked him harshly to a standing position. His eyes flew open. "Hoseok, What are you doing!?" He asked angrily. I hit him on the back of the head really hard. He flinched and felt the back of his head. "Ow, what did you do that for!?"

"You're weak!" I yelled at him. "I'm tired of you being this way. You're always so down and depressed until Jimin comes along. You put in a face for him and all of a sudden, you're the happiest man in the world. Did he know how you get when he's gone!? Huh!? No! He didn't. You actually depended on him for happiness and you know what that makes you!? That makes you weak. It makes you dependent. It makes you childish."

"Hoseok, stop it-" Yoongi began with a deadly expression. He was angry but I didn't care. "I'm not finished speaking!" I shouted with so much anger in my voice that Yoongi suddenly swallowed and got nervous. He shut up immediately and his eyes grew big. I glared at him.

"You tell me that he was all you had in this world. You're so blind. Or stubborn- I don't care. You've never once stopped to look at what else you had. Just because you loved Jimin more than any of us does not mean he was all you had, you asshole. Have you ever stopped to look at Jungkook? How much he needs you? He makes you happy too, and you're just too stubborn to see it.

"And Tae!? Even he cares for you for how much he actually knows you. He's the one that saved Jimin's life for you- saved your life for you. Treated your damn wounds every time you hurt yourself. And I know you care about him too. Because he is the reason Jimin didn't die the first time. Because Jungkook cares about him so much and that means he is happy- which makes you happy.

"And what about me!?" My hands were shaking and I blinked furiously to keep my eyes from watering. I continued yelling at Yoongi, whose face was red and nervous.

"What about all the times we spent together!? The things we've been through. I used to sit for hours listening to you talk about Jimin. I used to give you hugs when you were going through a rough time and when you tried so hard not to cry. When Jungkook was cutting and all we had left to do was worry and hope for the best. So don't you dare tell me you have nothing now that Jimin's gone because you have Jungkook. You have Taehyung. You have me. I'm sick and tired of you telling us otherwise."

Yoongi opened his mouth and then closed it again. His eyes were shiny and he looked surprised. He couldn't say anything. I sniffled and then continued quietly with a quiver in my voice.

"And what-what about everything else?" I asked. Tears stung my eyes. "What about everything you've done for me? You've been there every time I've cried too. You've been there my whole life and we did everything together. You are the only person who knows about my family. My scars. I've only told you. And I told you because you are the only person I trust to hold all that information and still be okay. Still be able to comfort me. You don't look at me differently because you know. What-What am I supposed to do if you just left? What am I supposed to do when all I have left would be Jungkook and Tae? They can't make me feel happy like you do. And-and maybe I'm over all the feelings I used to have but-but that doesn't mean I don't still love you. Whether it's as my best friend or not."

A tear escaped from my eye and fell down my cheek. I wiped it away with my sleeve and looked away. "If-If you leave what am I supposed to-to-" I sniffled again and wiped more tears from my face. "What-what am I supposed to do-do?"

Yoongi was silent. I sighed and looked at him again, sniffled. "Well," I began, the normality returning to my voice. "If you still feel like you've got no reason to live, then I can't do anything about that. I've tried, but it looks like I'm not enough." And then I walked away.

Okay guys I decided to risk it because I feel bad for not updating for so long and I'll try my best to update as long as I don't get discovered. Anywho, this chapter is unedited because I don't have a lot of time and I want to update as many chapters as possible tonight. The book is finished so yeah Imma try to put the rest of the chapters in.

hostage (jjk+kth)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora