Chapter Thirty Four

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[Smh why didn't y'all tell me I messed up the chapter names🥴]

Hoseok Focus

I walked out of Jimin's room when he was sleeping. I needed to get away from everyone. I found that while I was helping everyone with their problems, I wasn't paying attention to my own. I had to get over Yoongi. He was already in love with Jimin, and they were obviously happy together. I had to go back to my family the week before, which was also an issue, while I was there.

I took an elevator all the way up to the dorm I shared with Yoongi. Dorm 57. I walked in and found my way to my bed, which was on the right side of the room. I sighed and fell back into it. I thought about my family. I secretly joined the gang because I wanted to get away from them. They found out when I was thirteen and told me I wasn't allowed, but I thought I was smarter than them.

My parents were abusive. The number of scars on my back from when I stayed with them was more than I could count. And that was just my back. I thought I could run away from my past and become a part of the gang completely. So that was what I did. I ran away. I went back every year for my sister. I kept offering her place in the gang, but she always declined. I knew she was a victim of my parents, so I was always confused about why she wouldn't come with me.

The only reason kept going back was for her. I wanted to keep her safe, but my parents had a grasp on her and I couldn't break her free.

I stood up and pulled my shirt off to examine the new scars on my torso. Every time I went back was a nightmare. My parents were one of my greatest fears. Even if I wasn't a part of their little family anymore, they still abused me. Tortured me. I wanted so badly for it to stop, but I knew that unless my sister finally accepted, nothing was going to stop.

I saw the fresh scar on my stomach not far above the waistline of my jeans. That was from the belt that came flying in my direction the day I went to visit. Then there were the multiple ones on my forearms, from defending myself and my sister. Hence the reason I never wore short sleeves. I knew I couldn't let anyone know. I didn't want to seem weak. I told them all I joined the gang because I genuinely wanted to be in it. I couldn't let them think it was just to escape.

I couldn't let them know about my sister, either. I felt that either one, the gang would go and kidnap her for me, or two, get drunk and hurt her. This gang wasn't very smart and the system we all followed was that if we could prove our power over something, we do just that. If Jungkook showed weakness, the gang would kill him. If any of his most trusted and loyal "slaves," Yoongi, Jimin, or me, show weakness, then we get killed. If they find anything that could be a weakness, they get rid of it.

Anyone with little to no high authority- like just a normal gang member- didn't matter quite as much. No point in strengthening the ones who were down low, right?

I examined myself to find all the new bruises and pulled my shirt back on. Maybe I should go check on Jungkook. I thought. I wanted to know if he had taken anything to the next step with his little prisoner yet. That would sure be an interesting story to hear.

I put my jacket on and made sure that any bruises on my neck were covered before leaving my room and heading down a few levels in the elevator. I made sure to text Jungkook that I was coming. As soon as the elevator doors opened, I saw the cutest thing ever to unravel before my eyes.

They were cuddling. It was fucking adorable. Jungkook looked at me from where he sat holding Taehyung and moved a finger over his mouth so I would be quiet. I nodded, grinning.

"Jungkook, is there someone in here? Do you have to go?" I heard a faint, muffled voice from the hostage pressed into Jungkook's chest. Jungkook rested his head over Taehyung's. "Don't worry about that. Just go to sleep." He said softly.

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