Chapter Fifty One

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Warning: rape in this chapter- marked with ### at start to and end

Taehyung Focus

I woke up in a cold, dark room, dimly lit. This isn't Jungkook's room... I thought. I rubbed my arms. It was freezing and I didn't have a jacket. Where's the blanket- no. No. No. No. No. I stood up frantically. The sound of chains rattling against the floorconfirmed it. NO. NO. NO. NO. I pulled my arms up above my head but could only go so far. I was chained.

NONONONONONONONONONONONONO!!!!! I started panicking. "NO NO NO!!" I said out loud. I couldn't be in that place. I remembered what happened before I passed out. "No!" I screamed. "Get me out of here! Jungkook!!!!"

I sat down on the floor and ran my hands through my hair, wide eyed and heart beating fast. No! No! No! I thought. I was in the Tiger Gang. I heard a door open and light spilled into the room. "He's not coming." Said a voice. I backed up against the wall as far as I could. "G-Get away from me!" I screamed. The voice laughed and turned on a lantern, closing the door behind him. "No, silly. You're here for a reason. I'm not letting you go."

The man was unfamiliar. I didn't recognize him. "Leave me alone!" I shouted. He laughed again, coming closer. "Those chains comfy for ya? I knew I would find you soon." My hands shook as I folded my arms and glared at the man in front of me. "No need to be so aggressive." He said. "You're meant for this."

"M-Meant for wh-what?" I asked, voice shaking. The man laughed. "Same as always. For pleasure. For me only, this time."

"I-I don't remember you."

"I only used you once. I'm the new leader now though, and you were my father, the old leader's, favorite. I think of you as a gift of his passing. Your return, that is." He explained. "And now we will have more fun." I bunched my knees up and wrapped my arms around them. "D-Do-Don't touch m-me." I whimpered.

The man stepped closer and I pushed myself even further back against the wall, if that was even possible. He grabbed me under the arms and pulled me up to a standing position. "Wanna start right now?" He asked, tracing a finger along my jawline. I shivered. "N-No!"

"Too bad you won't enjoy it then." The man said. "Guess it's better for me though. I love it when I get to do things like this by force." And with that, the man drew a line with his finger down to my chest and unbuttoned my shirt. I tried to sink back down, away from his exploring hands and hungry eyes, but he wouldn't let me. He positioned his leg in between mine against the wall so I couldn't sit down unless I wanted to sit on his thigh.

I felt tears rise to my eyes. I was scared. This couldn't be happening. Not again. Four years after finally being rescued and I was back again. The man pushed my shirt off of my shoulders and gasped.


"Who in the world gave you all these hickies?" He asked. "They must pay."

The man leaned forward and kissed each of them gently, making me squeeze my eyes shut and wish I had my shirt back on. "S-S-Stop!" I said defensively. The man in front of me lifted his head up again and rested his forehead against mine. "I will show you love greater than whoever it was before me."

"I-I don't w-want your lo-love." I said. "I want to get out of here."

"Too bad." That man said. "Like I said, I like dealing this type of thing by force. More enjoyable when I hear you pleas to stop." He laughed evilly. "And where are my manners?" He asked. "My name is Eun-Ho."

A tear fell down my cheek. Was Jungkook not going to come? No, he had to. He just needed more time. I could withstand this until then. However painful it would be on my side, I had to be strong for him. Not give in until he came for me like I knew I would.

"Let's get this started, shall we?" Eun-Ho said. Without waiting for my answer. He began by digging his face into my neck and sucking skin there. I shut my eyes right, praying that Jungkook would come soon. Eun-Ho trailed his hands down my bare sides and hooked his fingers in the waistband of my pants. In one swift movement, he pulled them down.

I whimpered as the cold air pressed against my legs and wished that eun-ho wouldn't be so interested in pulling my boxers down, but I should have known that my wishing star had taken its time off the past few years. Once I was completely naked, Eun-Ho pushed me to the ground and hovered over me.

The sight of him undressing himself scared me more than anything in the world could at that moment and I wished I was with Jungkook. He was softer, slower, more gentle and caring about how I took it.

I wanted more than anything to be back in his bed, this being only a nightmare like they always were. I knew better than that though. I knew I was not getting out of this for a while. I knew that no matter how hard Jungkook tried, he probably wouldn't be able to get in. After I was rescued from the tiger gang the first time, the security went up a ton. Jungkook would have trouble, and could possibly get hurt just by trying to get in.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Eun-Ho pushed on my stomach and shoved himself up my ass. The last thing anyone could hear in that room was my scream.


And now we all cry

hostage (jjk+kth)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang