Chapter Fifteen

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Taehyung Focus

Suga and Jungkook left and once they closed the door, I heard a locking sound. There goes my freedom again. I thought, but really, even if Jungkook didn't lock the door and I escaped, I wouldn't make it very far. Still, it was like they were always reminding me that I would never get out.

I turned back to the injured boy on the hospital bed. "I'm sorry for being blunt," I said. "Really though. Are you okay?" Jimin closed his eyes for a moment, probably thinking whether he should share anything. "It-It's nothing important." He said. Me, being the curious and prying boy I was, pushed it further.

As I lifted his hospital gown up, I asked, "Is there something going on between you and Suga?" I asked. Once I could see his bandage, which had bled through a bit, I rested his gown on his leg.

"H-He and I are just figuring things out," Jimin said quietly. I pulled out some new bandages and a washcloth. "Are you guys... You know..." I began, wetting the cloth in a sink near the cabinet.

"Yoongi hyung and I? Pfft." Jimin said. "No, we're-" He stopped. I turned around and started walking toward him, to see a softened expression on his face. I couldn't tell whether he was sad, confused, or just in the clouds.

"I-I don't know what we are." He said. "Look." He snapped out of his daze and looked me right in the eyes. "If you tell anyone I've said any of this-"

"Who am I gonna tell?" I interrupted. Jimin blinked. I raised my eyebrows at him. "I am a prisoner. There is no one I can spill secrets to other than your leader, who I am not particularly fond of." Jimin looked down. "Sorry. I forgot you were a hostage. I-I mean, at least you're not a part of the gang, right?"

I mentally rolled my eyes. If my fate was going to end up where I thought it would then I would be in a much worse situation than Jimin even imagined. "Yeah, sure." I said. I carefully tore the dirty bandage off of Jimin's thigh and tossed it into a garbage can nearby. Then I took the cloth and started cleaning excess blood off of the boy's wound. "So..." I said. "Are you two fighting?"

"Not really. As I said, I guess we're both just trying to figure things out." Jimin said. "Maybe if I didn't have the old nurse poison me, then he and I would actually be..." He stopped talking for a moment to breathe.

I got up to grab some soap to clean his wound again. "Now I don't know where he and I are going. He knows I am going to die soon, but he won't give up on me." Jimin finished his thoughts. I nodded. "Do you really want him to?" I asked. Jimin went silent after that. I put the soap around the injury and rubbed the area around it, careful not to let it get in the wound.

"No," Jimin said. "I don't." I looked up at him. "Is this a really strong friendship then, or is it something more?" I asked. It sounded like Yoongi really liked Jimin, but Jimin was too scared of his death to think about their relationship.

"I know he likes me. Actually, I think he loves me. I didn't want to, but I found myself falling for him too. I like him, but I know that if I'm going to die soon, then there is no point. In fact, there's no point for you to be cleaning my wound or tending to it at all. You can't save me."

I sighed. "That's not the point. It's better to be in a good shape even when you're gonna die. You don't want to look like hell when you're in your coffin." I said, half joking. I wanted to lighten the mood. The air was a little... too sappy. "Besides." I continued. "I would much rather be up here feeling useful and actually talking to somebody rather than be locked up in a cold, dark closet underground seven stories without a soul within sight or even mind. It was lonely."

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