Chapter Fifty Six

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Hoseok Focus

As soon as I found out Jungkook didn't make it, I shut down. I knew there wasn't anything he could do to get out. I knew what they were going to do to him. And I wished I could have been taken instead. I wished I could have stayed with him and protected him.

That wasn't an option though. That wasn't something I could do. Even if I wanted to.

"He just texted me," Jimin said. Yoongi looked at him. "Tae did? The call is over? That was... that was quick."

"Yeah, let's go back down," Jimin said. He flipped the switch in the elevator and it powered back up again, then hit the button to go back downstairs. I stayed quiet, looking only at the floor.

We reached Jungkook's room and found Taehyung on the floor, crying, the phone on the floor next to him. Jimin ran to him and gave him a big hug. "Taehyung, don't cry, please. He'll be okay. We both know he'll be okay," Jimin said, but he started crying with Tae.

Yoongi walked over and joined the hug, to my utmost surprise, and even looked like he was holding back tears too. I felt like breaking down with them. I wanted to go and let out all my tears but I had to be stronger. I could only be weak on my own.

"Taehyung, we're right here, okay?" Yoongi said. "Lets go get you something to eat. You need it." Taehyung didn't move from his spot and Yoongi and Jimin had to lift him up to get him to move.

Slowly, they got him onto the bed and sat there. "I'll go get food," I said. I stepped back into the elevator and pushed the button to go up. I went to the level with the kitchens and grabbed some bread, packets of oatmeal, bowls, and as much as I could carry that looked good, then shoved it into a sack I found in a closet and hauled it to my dorm. I pulled out my phone and texted Yoongi.

Bring him up to the dorm. We have microwaves up here

And I'm not cooking everything and bringing everything down.

Yoongi and Jimin appeared five minutes later at the door with Taehyung and came inside. Taehyung had obvious tear stains covering his cheeks and Yoongi and Jimin had soft looks. I had a bowl of oatmeal warmed up for him. "Taehyung, you want some?" I asked. "It's warm out of the microwave."

He shook his head. "I want Jungkook," He said. I sighed. Getting Tae to eat was going to be hard. "Tae," I said. I walked over to him and gave him a hug. "We're working on it, okay? We'll get him back. But more importantly, we need you to stay strong for him, okay? He would want that."

"You can't get him out. They know how much he means to us and will keep him hidden away."

"Taehyung, please eat," Jimin said. "I can't even begin to imagine what they did to you in the Tiger Gang, but I know they starved you. You must be hungry"

"I don't want to eat," Taehyung said defiantly. "I want Jungkook."

Yoongi placed a hand on Taehyung's shoulder. "Come on, Tae," He said. I was still surprised at his tone of voice and his use of Tae's nickname. "Hoseok prepared something for you, it's only polite that you eat it."

I felt warmed when Taehyung nodded. "Fine," He said, walking over to me. I smiled and hugged him. "Over there," I said, pointing to the bed. He sat down and I brought over a bowl of warm oatmeal and a slice of bread for him to eat. He gave a small, grateful smile, not directed at me; it was so small I almost missed it. He really was hungry. I knew how he felt. How he would pretend he didn't want anything, but only because he was stubborn and felt that it meant he was weak.

But he was stronger than me, by accepting food even reluctantly.

I looked at Yoongi as Taehyung started eating. "Will he be okay?" I mouthed silently. Yoongi shrugged. He had no idea. Tae could either let us in and share his feelings, becoming closer to us, or he could shut down completely and starve himself because he didn't think Jungkook would survive.

I was happy when we all sat down with food and started eating. There was in fact, a problem though. The mood was sad and dark. I had to do something, but I didn't know what. Maybe I should give it a rest for the time being. I thought. I mean, we just lost him today.

Tae finished and leaned into my shoulder. I was sitting next to him and Yoongi while Jimin sat across from us on the other bed. I stroked Taehyung's hair as he slowly dozed off on my shoulder, his breathing gradually getting heavier and steadier. "Is he asleep?" Yoongi asked. I waved a hand in front of Taehyung's face. "Yeah," Jimin said. "He's asleep."

Yoongi nodded. "We have to talk about this," He said. "Jungkook being gone."

"Let's go put him to bed first," I suggested. "One, for just in case. Two, he might want a comfier pillow than my bony shoulder." Jimin agreed with me."Yeah come on, we'll talk about him later. If Taehyung is awake, we'll only make him feel worse."

Jimin stood up, walked over to Taehyung, and picked him up. Then we all walked out of the dorm and headed down to Jungkook's room. Once he was in bed with a blanket over him, I pulled my phone out. Jungkook had left me with a list to follow if he didn't make it. Like a babysitting list on how to take care of Taehyung.

I pulled up the list and searched for the notes on how to put him to sleep. Jimin peered over my shoulder while Yoongi laid Taehyung down on Jungkook's bed. Of course I knew how to put people to sleep- duh- but Jungkook said to check his list for everything- even the simplest things- because Taehyung was very delicate in a way.

Yeah I'm sorry I didn't make it but guess what, that doesn't matter because the original plan was to save Tae and take care of him so please, when I say that, take care of him like you absolutely mean it. Like your life depends on it.

Geez, Kooks, so blunt. I thought. I scrolled down through Jungkook's extensive notes. He really cared so deeply about the boy, but honestly, I just wanted to learn what not to do so he'd be okay. Finally, I reached the topic written on sleep.

Taehyung can't sleep without holding anything so give him a pillow or something and he'll be fine. He says he likes to sleep without the covers, but while he's asleep, make sure you cover him. He gets cold at night. Also, he gets nightmares all the time. Coming back from the Tiger Gang for the second time will be HARSH for him so please stay with him. If he looks like he's having a bad dream, WAKE HIM UP. Then help him fall back asleep. I'd prefer it if one of you stayed in the room with him every night.

I rolled my eyes, but it was evident to the others that I was smiling. He's like an overprotective parent hiring a babysitter for the first time. I had watched Jungkook go through so much growing up, that it was nice to see that he could love someone so much.

I stopped reading after combing through all the extra notes- very extensive, by the way- to find the actual needs of this hostage. I sighed in frustration. "I'm sleeping here tonight," I stated blankly before hopping into the bed on the opposite side of Taehyung to give him space. Yoongi had covered him and Tae had already managed to grab hold of his pillow. He looked peaceful. Good. I thought. He's going to need the peace.

Not the greatest chapter but it's just a filler (as the next few chapters may be). I love y'all!

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