Chapter Thirty Seven

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Taehyung Focus

Jungkook has been gone for two hours. I thought I would take a nap when he left, but I couldn't. The excitement that he was going to return with Jin was too much. So I sat and waited. After thirty minutes, I got bored. Forty, I got impatient. Fifty, I got worried. An entire hour and a half, I got scared.

And then it became two hours. Two hours and three minutes. Two hours and five minutes. Is Jin really going to get out? Is he in a bad condition and probably won't survive? No, because then Jungkook would tell me. I stopped when finally, after two and a half hours had passed, the elevator door finally opened.

But the person who walked in was not who I was expecting. It wasn't Jungkook, or even Jin. It was Suga. I frowned. "W-What's going on?" I asked. Suga looked at the floor. "Uh..." He said. "I think it's better if you come with me." He said. "See for yourself." That was when I began to feel sick.

"Oh no," I said. "Oh, please don't tell me that Jin-" I placed my face in my hands. "Is he alive?" I asked. Suga shrugged. "I told you. It's better if you see on your own." I shook my head to clear the daze that drifted into my mind, then stepped into the elevator with Suga.

"Mm..." He hummed. "I- I would like to know." He said quietly. "I-Is Jungkook... Happy?"

"What?" I asked, looking at the boy in front of me with a raised eyebrow. He looked down. "I just want to know if he's doing okay. I'm curious." Suga explained. I smiled warmly. "Yeah. He seems really happy. I don't know if he's always been that way or not, but it amazes me all the things he will do for just one person. Uh- Why is he a leader at such a young age?"

Suga tensed. "I can't tell you that." He said. "That's a story he will have to tell you himself. Ask him about it. I'm sure he'll share it with you. Just keep in mind that it's not a happy story. He has been the victim of a lot of pain and suffering because of this. I wouldn't be too carefree with my words if I were you."

I nodded. "Is it that bad?" I asked. Suga nodded. "Ask him." I looked down. "Okay," I said. "Thanks, Suga. How are you and Jimin?"

Suga smiled, and from what I heard of this man, he doesn't smile warmly with a lot of people- especially people he doesn't know. "We're doing great- and just call me Yoongi. If you are close to Jungkook in a good way, you are close to me." I nodded.

"Yoongi," I repeated. "Thanks."

I reached the medical level with Yoongi and he brought me down to a room next to Jimin's. He cleared his throat. "Uh, Jungkook's in there. And so is Hoseok. Just- Be- Be careful." He said. I nodded, taking a deep breath before entering the room. Jungkook and Hoseok were the first people I saw in the room. They were standing side by side, and I couldn't see past them at the bed.

"J-Jin?" I asked my voice weak. Jungkook turned around, revealing another person on the other side of the bed sitting down. He widened his eyes when he saw me, and I felt my heart skip a beat. The man got up and ran toward me, crashing into me with a giant, tight hug. "N-Namjoon!?"

"Yes, Tae baby, I'm here. I- I came for you." I saw Jungkook standing, facing me, looking at me, but not looking into my eyes. He looked solemn. He looked like he needed a hug. I squeezed Namjoon tighter, as I hadn't had a hug from him in what felt like ages. It was like heaven, being reunited with my father figure.

And now for my mother figure. I thought. I broke my hug with Namjoon and walked slowly over to the hospital bed. Then, I turned around almost immediately and threw up. It was then, at that moment, that I realized all the little things I had missed earlier. Namjoon had tears in his eyes. Hoseok was rigid where he stood. Jungkook was looking at me with a blank stare.

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