Chapter Fifty Four

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Jungkook Focus

Hoseok and I were taken inside and up a bunch of levels to the leaders office. "In there," one of the guards ordered, gesturing to a door. I nodded and opened it, then walked in with Hoseok.

"I heard you wanted me," Said the leader, sitting in a chair behind his desk. Above him were many screens with a live stream from the many security cameras around the whole factory. I stepped closer to the table and chose a seat. Hoseok walked forth too, but was held back by the guard.

"He has to go elsewhere," The leader said. "Can't have him listening in."

"He already knows what we will be discussing," I said. The leader shook his head. "What you want to discuss," He said. "Not what I would like to negotiate."


"He leaves."

I looked back at Hoseok, who nodded hesitantly. I caught his eye and sent some sort of message with my expression. Find him. He turned around and followed the guard out of the room.

I turned back around and placed my hands on the table. Showing that I wasn't planning on pulling out a weapon. "What is it you come here for?" The leader asked.

"I wanted to ask why you stole the hostage," I said, a little too sternly. I wanted to sell my story, and sounding protective over Tae would give me away. The leader scoffed. "He was our hostage first. You had no right to hold him custody."

I gave him a fervent smile. "We stole him from the Savage Tooths to bring to you," I said. "As a peace offering."

"You think we can't steal him back ourselves?"

"That was not the case. We wanted to bring him to you, like I said, as a peace offering." The leader smirked. "You expected something in return?"

"An offering is not the same as a trade, sir."

"You must want something, if you are offering my gang something. Tigers and Trijudongs don't typically mix. I believe you are familiar with your father's story?"

I hesitated. What could I tell this man? "We heard rumors of war upon the Hemocalvos." I let on. "I want to assist in this, if the rumors are true."

The leader raised his eyebrows. "Ah, I knew it. Yes, the rumors are true. What would you want to fight them for?"

"My intentions do not need to be explained to you, just proven."

The leader gave me a look as if he was talking to some immature child. In his eyes, maybe I was. I had only turned seventeen, after all. That was an extremely low age, for a leader. The leader of the Tiger gang turned and faced the security cameras behind him, only focusing on one. I found myself looking anxiously at it as well.

"Beautiful isn't he?" He said. "He's the best sex toy this gang has ever had. Satisfying, even if he doesn't want to."

My blood boiled. If you lay another finger on him again, I'll tear your throat out. I thought. Plus, why would he feel the need to point out that he was a just a sex toy but still come back and steal him like he was the most important thing in the world to him?The leader spun back around in his chair. I watched as Tae disappeared from the camera frame and almost smiled, but I withheld it. "I just wanted you to know I did not have bad intentions, holding custody of the boy." I said. "I guess that means I'll take my leave, then."

I stood up and headed to the door. "Uh, no," The leader said. I turned around. "What do you mean?" I asked. He smirked. "It's time for my terms, now." He said. I walked back to the table and sat down. "Don't think I've been so stupid," He said. I frowned. "Excuse me?"

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