Chapter Nineteen

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Yoongi Focus

The moon shone high in the sky, declaring that the time was late at midnight. My legs and back were so sore and I was exhausted. Still, for the sake of Jimin's life, I could not stop. Eventually, Jong Suk started complaining. "Don't you think we should set up camp and sleep for the night?" He asked. "My muscles are sore." He declared. I turned around, glaring at him. "We are finally almost within reach of the snow and you want to stop? We don't have time to stop. We have one more day. One more day, to search for the Himir, climb back down this mountain, and drive all the way back to the subway system. Do you really think, we are going to stop now?"

Jong Suk flinched and said no more. I was so tired because I stayed up with Jimin as long as I could the night before while the surgery on his leg was going on. I didn't get that much sleep. Now, I was going on pure fear. There was no energy in my body. I could not risk more time by stopping. No matter how much I wanted to.

We made it about thirty more minutes before finally reaching the first signs of snow. Only one problem.

We were at the bottom of a thirty-foot cliff that seemed to stretch out forever, and the snow was on the top.


But Jimin.

I pictured my sweet angel in his hospital bed, not knowing he was going to live, thinking I wasn't going to be back in enough time for him. I turned around and faced the three men with me. "We are going to climb," I said.

Okay, when I was writing this chapter a long time ago, I didn't feel like doing it, so I made this one really short. It was like, 279 words in all. So... I'll triple update. Thanks again for over 200. Also btw the next chapter is really long and will give some backstory but it's not  boring (I hope).

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