Chapter Two

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Taehyung Focus

The other gang leader took a hold of me and walked away. He signaled his men to start shooting, and all the chaos started. I had to admit I was scared. I didn't want to be a part of this gang deal if there was a chance I could get shot. I tried to yell at the gang leader holding me, but my words were muffled by a gag that tasted like shit.

"I would shut up if I were you." The gang leader said. He led me to another level where there were two cars and shoved me into one. "You stay here." He said. I shook my head wildly, tears rising to my eyes. I didn't want to go back with him. "You watch him." Jungkook said to the driver of the car.

Then he left. I didn't know why, but when I was left with strangers, I had the strange habit of getting comfortable with them after a few minutes. I was put with a new stranger- the driver. He came toward me with a blindfold and covered my eyes. Fuck. I thought. I couldn't see.

Throughout the next twenty minutes, I heard gunshots, shouts, and eventually, a car pulling away. Then I heard around five sets of footsteps and shouts echo through the car garage as the gang came back for me. The car door opened, and I cringed backward into my seat as the cold air seeped into the car.

"Get him in!" Someone shouted, and I heard someone moaning in pain. Did someone get hurt? I felt someone shove against me, probably to sit down and make room. Then the groaning person got in. "What's happening?" I asked, hoping for an answer. I didn't get one. "I got him, just go!" The voice beside me yelled. It was Jungkook's. The car door slammed shut and the car drove away speedily. I felt the car turn and accelerate as we moved. The groaning male screamed out at one point, and that was when I'd had it.

"Are we going to a hospital? For him?" I asked. Jungkook answered me. "No, we're not. You know how illegal we all are?" I rolled my eyes behind the blindfold in frustration. The hurt man in the car was moaning louder, and the stench of his blood was too much for me. "Untie me now." I said. "I know how to fix wounds. I can help."

"No, you will not. If you know so much, then you will tell me how to do it." Jungkook retorted. I shook my head. I needed to get the blindfold off somehow. "How bad is it?"

"It's pretty bad." The moaning boy said. I was surprised when he could do something other than moan. I could have sworn he was fucking himself. "Then I need to see it."

"You can't do that." Jungkook said. I glared through the blindfold, hoping that if he couldn't see it, than he would at least feel it. "Do you want him to die?" I asked. "Cause I am not going through the pain of explaining to you dense people how to treat it with what we have."

"No. If you don't help me treat him yet, he will die. Something tells me you don't want that." Jungkook said. "So I will sit here and wait for you to tell me how to fix his damn leg. Or, you know. He will bleed to death."

"That's not how it works."

"Oh that is exactly how I work. I don't think you want to have to clean the body and blood out of the car when we reach base. If he dies, it's your fault, and I will make you clean the car."

I thought about it for a minute, hoping to scare him into thinking I would let his friend die. It didn't work. As I thought about it, I realized people in gangs probably didn't make friends, so he probably wouldn't care. He was right anyway. I didn't want anyone to die when I could do something about it. "Fine." I said. "Tell me what happened."

"He got shot in the leg."

"Is the bullet in there still?"

"There's no exit wound." Jungkook said. I widened my eyes. "I have to see it then. There's no way someone like you, who has no medical skill, can dig out a bullet without making his situation worse."

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