Chapter Sixty Seven

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Jimin Focus

I started shooting the men who were unfamiliar and twisted this way and that, dodging bullets here and there. I got into tons of fistfights and won them all, taking hits and dealing worse. The fight had just begun, and I was ready to win.

I spent thirty minutes trying to fight around and look for the leader or other important people- finding no one. I caught a glance of Jungkook running somewhere before he disappeared again. Yoongi followed not far behind and when I spotted him, I ran to him before I could lose him.

"Yoongi what are you doing out here!? Who's watching Tae?" I yelled over the ruckus. Yoongi's eyes widened. "Shut up, Jimin, someone might hear you!" He shouted back. He shot at someone and we stood back to back, watching out for each other and occasionally shooting.

"Why do you think they came here in the first place smart one? They know he's here."

"They don't know he's unguarded-"

"What's that gonna do? Whether he's guarded or not, they're going to go after him!"

"Then go! I have to watch Jungkook."

"Don't let him get hurt-please. Tae needs him."

"I've got it. He'll be okay- now go. I love you."

Yoongi pushed me forward and started running in a certain direction. I felt my gut clench and an uneasy feeling settled over me. "Wait!" I shouted. I ran after him. "Yoongi, wait!" He heard me and spun around, panting. I ran to him, grabbed his face, and kissed him. Kissed him so hard with everything that I had in me, and then let go.

"I love you too," I said before turning and sprinting to the elevators.

Once I'd made it to Jungkook's room, I found Tae huddled on the floor, his hands brought up around his knees. He was shaking. When he heard me, he opened his eyes and turned his head towards me.

"It's just me," I said, out of breath. "I'm going to stay here with you." Tae nodded. "It's been forty-five minutes," he said, his voice quivering. "Did you see him?" I shook my head. "He disappeared as soon as I saw him. I don't know what's going on or if we're winning or losing."

I walked over to Jungkook's closet and opened it- luckily it was unlocked- to reload. Then I went back to Taehyung. "Are you okay?" I asked him. He nodded, still looking shaken. "I'm trying to stay calm," he stated. I chuckled. "Yeah? You and me both."

I grabbed Taehyung's hands and pulled him up so I could hug him and then had him sit on the bed. "If anyone comes in here," I began with a serious tone. "You run for the elevator while I hold them off. Okay? If that happens and you make it to the elevator, close it immediately and go to either the prison wing to hide or the room where Jungkook's father rests. Whether I'm in the elevator or not, you go. Got it?"

Taehyung gasped. "But-" he protested. I shook my head. "Got it?" I repeated. Taehyung sighed. "Okay," He said solemnly. "I got it."

I sighed, glad that he understood. I stood facing the elevator, rigid and ready to pull my gun up.

"What if Jungkook doesn't make it?" Taehyung's asked in a quiet voice. I didn't move my eyes from the door. "Don't think about that. When something like this happens, don't think about anything until it's all over and you know who's okay and who's... less than okay."

"What am I supposed to do? Not worry about him?"

"Yes. I know it seems hard, but trust me. I want you to think about yourself and only yourself."

Taehyung was silent after that. A few moments of silence passed before he asked another question. "Do you do that when you know Yoongi is fighting up there?" I shut my eyes. I could taste the memory of our last kiss fresh on my tongue.

"I can't think about him right now, and he can't think about me," I stated. "It's best that we keep that up until the fight is over."

Taehyung hummed in acknowledgment. I sighed and turned around. "Hey Tae, I have a favor to ask of you. Can you do it?" I asked. Taehyung tensed. "What's the favor?" He asked apprehensively. I grabbed his shoulders. "If I don't make it today- and no, I'm not saying I won't make it. Anyway, if I don't make it today, please tell Yoongi I want him to move on. I want him to be happy. Instead of crying over me, I want him to find a new life without me. Okay?"

Taehyung looked at me with a reassuring smile. "As long as you live, I won't need to," He said. "But yes, I promise that if you ever die, I will tell him. That is, if I make it out too."

I breathed a sigh of relief, letting go of Tae's shoulders. "Thanks, Tae. I don't know wh-"

The elevator doors dinged and opened.

I whipped around, raising my gun.

And was immediately met with a sharp pain in my chest, pushing me back fast and forcefully.

Taehyung screamed. I was on the floor. My head felt fuzzy and the edges of my vision blurred.

I raised my gun and shot at the moving blurs coming closer. I tried to glare at them, but my head seared when I tried. Darkness closed around them as my eyes started closing.

The view of the men entering the room was the last thing I saw before I blacked out, letting the pain take over me and the darkness consume me.

Lmao I was gonna update last night but I fell asleep and welp be happy I'm here now.

Also I'm in class so be happy I'm neglecting my work for you

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