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Jungkook Focus

"Dad! Look! I made it on paper!" Jungkook cheered excitedly. "Good job, son." A man, probably Jungkook's dad, said. "Now we just have to work on keeping that grouping." Jungkook, about eight years old, nodded eagerly. He held the .45 out in front of his chest excitedly and aimed for the target.

"Hold on, wait a minute, Kookie." Jungkook's dad said. "Your stance is all messed up. Remember to keep your feet square and your shoulder relaxed while the other takes the recoil." Jungkook nodded and fixed his stance. He stood with his feet apart, square with his shoulders. Then he tensed up one shoulder while he let his other arm hold the gun loosely.

"Remember to keep your thumb away from the firing pin." His dad said. Jungkook moved his thumb and kept his eyes trained on the target while awaiting his father's orders. "Your stance looks good to me." He said. "Now you can shoot."

Jungkook looked carefully down the gun to the center of the target, took a deep breath, stiffened his shoulder, and pulled the trigger. The shot was loud, which made Jungkook thankful for his ear protection. "Now hold on." His father said. "Don't anticipate the recoil." Jungkook scrunched up his face in a frown. "What does anti-anticifate mean?" He asked.

Jungkook's father laughed. "Anticipate." He said. "It means to be ready for what happens next."

"But don't I have to be ready for the shot?"

"In this case, it's different. You don't want to counter the kick of the gun, or you'll mess up your aim, and the shot won't appear on paper. You want to let the recoil kick back a little, but keep a firm grip on the handle so you don't drop the gun."

"Okay!" Jungkook said excitedly. He got back to his stance and aimed at the target. He held onto the gun tightly, but let his shoulders relax more this time. He pretended to forget that there would be a recoil and slowly pulled the trigger, breathing out as he did so.

The shot was fired, and Jungkook let the kick pull his arm upwards slightly. He looked at the target, and cheered at his result. "Dad, I made it on the nine ring!" He put the gun on the table and pumped his fist. "I made a nine ring!" His dad laughed. "Very good, Kookie. Now remember you have to keep the gun cocked open and pointed down range before setting it down." He said. Jungkook nodded. "Oh, right." He headed to his gun and fixed his mistake, then turned around to be met with a giant hug from his father.

"I'm proud of you, son."


Word count is 451 words

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