Chapter Thirty Five

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Jimin Focus

I sat up once the door closed, signalling that I was alone. I sat up and rubbed my face. I was fucking awake. I heard the entire conversation. I wanted so badly to butt in, but Hoseok was there and I knew more than I should have about his feelings toward Yoongi. I didn't want to create a sappy scene the poor boy would never forget.

Except when Hoseok left, I couldn't show Yoongi I was awake, either. I couldn't bring myself to do it. I was spending all that time worrying about Yoongi not really loving me, when all along, he was just worried about what would happen to us if he told me something so close to his heart.

I sat, face in my knees, ready to sleep, but not tired. Yoongi had left after thirty minutes of sitting with me. I remember opening my eyes just a slit so I could see him. He had his head rested against my leg on his arms and closing his eyes. I smiled and closed my eyes again, just sitting there until Yoongi left.

And so I was stuck. Stuck in a place I didn't want to dig myself out of. I couldn't bring something up so late after it happened, so how could I tell Yoongi I knew? He told me something so important, and I really had no idea when he was going to tell me "for real." Maybe I can tell him I know when he does that. If he does that.

Onto the more important things, Yoongi had said I was the only reason he still lived. This was a major red flag. I couldn't see him any differently, to be honest. It just made me love him more, to see the softer side to him. Aside from that, what if I died? I couldn't imagine that Yoongi would actually kill himself afterward. I had to find him something else. I couldn't let him move on to the next stage only because I wasn't with him. So maybe I shouldn't die- no, I wouldn't die. If I did, then Yoongi could follow, and then Hoseok and Jungkook would be left with only each other and the hostage, I heard.

The hostage. I frowned. I've only met him once- that I remember. I thought. I kind of wanted to meet him again. I heard so much about how he saved me from dying. I heard how much Jungkook liked him and it confused me. If he was an amazing person, I wanted to actually get to know him. I heard that we enjoyed talking for the small amount of time that we could. Curiosity made me pick up my phone and text Jungkook.

Hey, can I come down?

I typed the sentence into the phone and hit send. Not even a few seconds later, Jungkook replied.

Taehyung's asleep.

Fuck that. I got up, stretched, and quietly tiptoed my way out of my room, down the hallway, and to the elevator. I hit Jungkook's level and went down till the doors opened. Jungkook was sitting on his bed, playing on his phone and messing with the hair of the hostage. He looked up when I arrived, rolling his eyes. "I told you he's asleep," Jungkook whispered. I nodded, smiling. "I know. I just haven't seen you in what feels like forever. I'll be quiet." I said, my voice quiet.

Jungkook sighed and gestured for me to come closer. I sat on the edge of his bed and looked at him. "You're right. We really haven't talked much since..." He smiled. "Since we got him, I think." He finished, pointing to the sleeping prisoner. I nodded. "Are you guys-"

"Together? Yeah."

"So, how did you- when- why- what exactly happened?" I asked. I wonder generally confused on the fact that Jungkook was in love with a fucking prisoner in the first place, so I had to know. Jungkook looked up at whatever clouds were above his head and smiled warmly. "I don't have any idea. I just- I couldn't deal with even the thought of sending him away." He said. I nodded.

"And how did you get to that point where you liked him so much?" I asked. Jungkook shrugged. "I really don't know. He already knows more about me than anyone else, to be honest, and I didn't have to tell him any of it. He just sort of... Figured it out. The thing is, I'm not uncomfortable with that either. It's like he was supposed to know in the first place and I just like that I can talk to him. Turns out he has a nightmarish past with the Tiger gang and he terrified to the point of passing out whenever it's mentioned. I didn't even think that I cared so much until I thought about it. I can't bring myself to even try sending him there. It just..."

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