Chapter Sixty Five

Start from the beginning

I swallowed. I couldn't look away from his eyes and the only thing I felt was his warmth. I wasn't nervous. I wasn't afraid. And that was funny, considering that I went back to the tiger gang and went through some things recently.

"And if I do?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. Jungkook slowly traced his fingers up under my shirt, making me feel excited and nervous. His fingers were soft on my stomach. Thrills traveled down my spine as he whispered to me. "Then I would not be able to hold back." I felt my breath hitch and I could really feel the closeness of him as he hovered over my face, our breath mingling.

"But for now, lets focus on what we're going to do about the tiger gang. They won't be happy about your absence, nor mine." He said with a change of tone, sitting up. The mood of the moment before was gone. I sat up, feeling disappointed. I wanted to see where we were going.

I sighed. "I wish they could just lay off me. Why do they want me so much?" I asked. Jungkook shrugged. "It could just be a thing about, 'no one can take anything from us and if you do, you'll pay' kinda thing where they remain on top of everyone." He said. "And they think we'll become stronger than them if they don't show us who's boss."

"I guess that makes sense. But it also shows how immature they are. Do they not realize this?"

"I guess not." Jungkook sighed. His ear tips were a bright, burning red. I sat up and grabbed his hand. Didn't know why. Just wanted to. Jungkook looked at our hands, then up at me. "You know, I don't think I want this anymore," he said. "I don't want to be leader and have to deal with this shit."

I felt a heavy ball dropped in my stomach. "What do you mean by that?" I asked. His words sounded the same as mine when I told Hoseok I wanted to kill myself a while ago.

"I mean I want to leave this all behind," Jungkook said. "I want..." he shifted. "Maybe I want to run away." He finished, squeezing my hand without realizing it. I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding and a weight was lifted from my shoulders. At least he wasn't thinking about death. He had just turned seventeen. Not a very great time to die.

"What?" I asked in a small voice. Jungkook looked at me. Into my eyes. "We could run away," he said, a new haze covering his eyes. "We could go somewhere far away- where no one would be able to find us- and build a home there. Away from all this crazy stuff."

I looked away. I didn't know why, but I felt an even worse feeling take over me- not that I would rather him think about suicide. "I-I dunno," I said hesitantly. "Something isn't right about this."

Jungkook blinked. He paused for a moment before replying. "Think about it," He said. "We would be able to hide from the tiger gang. Hide from all the people who are after you now. And hide from this gang. The place I was raised by a false father and no mother. We could both run away from our pasts and live alone- together. We could do anything that we want and live as people with a normal life. We could grow up and learn things- and overall, maybe... maybe just..." Jungkook breathed out and looked at the floor. He seemed... off. Different. Taken over with his new idea. I wanted to escape, but not in the way that he was telling me. I didn't know why.

"We could possibly be together... forever." He frowned and shook his head, looking back up at me. "I'm sorry. I don't want to say something like this so early." I didn't know what to say. "Just..." Jungkook began again. "I dunno. What do you think?"

My breath hitched. I didn't know what I felt. Couldn't think. Is this something I really want? I wondered. I mean, I do want to escape. I really do. I want to have a life with Jungkook and never come back to this one. But something felt wrong. I didn't know what.

"What about Namjoon?" I said after a while. I was sure I scared Jungkook by waiting so long to answer.

"Um... we could... maybe stop by to meet him on the way..."

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