Chapter 19.

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Once again in The Antler Saloon.


I was sitting in my office contemplating what I was to do in regard to the letter that I received from my now-dead cousin. Granted this problem had nothing to do with me and I wasn't obliged to respond to his request for my aid in assisting Henry with his revenge against Laura Blackthorn Green. Did I really want to disrupt my successful career and business in this evil plot?

I considered myself a good man, willing to help any friend in need. I knew all about the dirty dealings that Henry participated in, he was, in fact, a dangerous mob boss, someone that you didn't want to cross. Frustrated, I got up from my desk and made my way over to the corner of my office and poured myself a tumbler of bourbon from my own private stash. I just finished the glass when there was a knock on my door.

"Come in," I called to the person on the other side of the door. The door swung open and in walked Olivia Starling, my partner and the woman I considered to be my wife.

Olivia and I weren't married by the churches standards but in our hearts. I wasn't your average saloon owner. I didn't take part in servicing the saloon's girls, I stuck to just Olivia and Olivia stuck with me. Besides she knows that if anyone laid a hand on her, I would take out my pistol and shoot them. NO ONE TOUCHES MY WOMEN!  

"Warren, there is someone here who wishes to strike a deal with you. He said that he knows about your connection with your cousin and the request that he asked of you in regards to the matter with Laura Green."

How in the world did he know about the correspondence that Henry had sent him?

Rolling his eyes, Warren sighed and motioned for Olivia to send him in. The mystery man sauntered into my office with an authoritative presence.


"Well what?" I asked back.

 He gave me a hard glare, obviously indicating me to vacate my seat so that he could take charge and to change the atmosphere of power. He must be a man that feels that he can control everything. Too bad, he can't control me.

"Sit down sir," I replied to his stare, and completely ignoring his gesture to vacate my seat. The man folded his arms and begrudgingly sat down on the chair that faced my desk.

"What may I do for you...?"
He smiled at me, "the honorable Judge Lester Blackthorn."

Honorable my ass. I thought as I gazed at his face.
"Like I said, what may I help you with, Mr. Blackthorn?"

Lester eyed me again, no doubt annoyed that I didn't address him with his title, what a pompous idiot.
"I am aware of your connection with your cousin, and the request that he asked of you."

"And how may I ask you know of my cousin, Henry and of the correspondence that he sent me?"

"Well, I being an authoritative presence in matters of the law, I have the right to be interested in anything that I deem necessary to intervene, and since your Cousin had a few dealings with me, I have taken into account that his personal problems have become my responsibility to bring to an end. And since, his problems have included my ex-granddaughter In-law, I have disregarded my pride and have come to you for help."

"What is this problem that you have with Mrs. Green? And why do you think that you might need my help?"

"First of all, I should let you know that it was Laura Green that murdered your cousin!"

"How? From what I understand, I Received Henry's correspondence several weeks after she and her friend arrived here, so how could she be responsible for the death of Henry? Are you positive that you got your information concerning his death correct?"

Lester slammed his fist on my desk, "dammit man, listen to me, that woman is a murderess and I want your assistance in attaining the custody of my great-granddaughter by any means necessary!"

"Whoa, you said nothing about taking away an infant from her mother and stepfather. I may be Henry's cousin, but I am not as shady as he was. I draw my line when it comes to violence against women and children. You, sir, are on your own. I want you out of my office this instant!"

Again Lester slammed his fist on my desk, knocking a few of the items that I had sitting there to the floor, then as I gestured to him to vacate my office, he swung back and punched me hard in my face. But I surprised him when I didn't immediately fall to the ground from the weight of his punch. He just smirked at me then he poked me in the chest, and threatened me too. "I thought that you would be like your cousin, clearly I was mistaken. If you attempt to stop me in taking back my great-granddaughter from her whore of a mother, I will kill you." I rolled my eyes at him and folded my arms across my chest and stood my ground, refusing to bow to his presence.

Once he left and I made sure Olivia assured me that he left the building, I asked her to head over to the Sheriff's office and to bring Sheriff Thorpe here so that I could update him on the plans that Judge Lester had for the Green Family.

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