Chapter 12.

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Jordan had his warm hand wrapped around my waist as he guided me to my new home, thankfully it was just a short walking distance from the church. So it felt so good when he held me close to him like that.
When we entered onto the land of the Green Ranch and I saw the house, I was in awe. It was the house of my dreams in real life. It was a two-story ranch house with a wrap-around porch and a two-seater swing on the left corner of the porch, a place I knew I would feel content to be if I was rocking Katie to sleep.

To the left side of the house was a medium-sized Corell with three horses grazing within. A large barn a little wise away along with the bunkhouse where the cowhands slept. There were a few cowhands working along the fence line. Others were branding the cattle with a 'GB' brand, and the rest were feeding the stock or talking with each other.

There were rose bushes planted along the right side of the house and a small vegetable garden as well. Katie would grow up protected and content, I thought.

The warm breath of my husband's voice on my neck snapped me out of my musings. "Do you like it?" He asked me as he laid a gentle kiss on my cheek. I blushed and nodded silently. "I do. Will this marriage of ours work do you think?" I asked softly as I bit my bottom lip. He turned me to face him, as he stared into my eyes, "What has brought on this doubt?" I shrugged my shoulders, "fear? I'm not sure. Perhaps a little apprehension, I know not, but I have this unnerving feeling in my gut, Jordan. This feeling started right after my conversation with Logan, I don't want to replace his mother, and I don't him to resent me for taking her place as your wife. Do you think he'll accept me? Will he treat me and Katie nicely?" 

Jordan didn't say anything at first, he just pulled me into his arms and held on to me tightly. "Fear not, Laura, it will take some adjusting, but I believe that if we give him some time, Logan will warm up to you and Katie. We all must move on from sad situations in our lives, both you and I know this as we have both lost a loved one in death. Remember what the good book says about our loved ones? That we will see them again in heaven. I am sure that neither your Nathan or my Colleen would want us to dwell on their deaths. Come, I would like to introduce you to Gina, my cousin and the cook of the ranch." He said as he pulled me out of his arms and took a hold of my hand and pulled me alongside him into the house.

Later that evening...

It was silent at the dinner table, a little too silent. I wondered what would happen as this was my wedding night with Jordan. I knew that he said that he wanted me to have some time because I was still in mourning with my late husband, but in reality, I was over it already. I was upset that Nathan went behind my back and secured that loan with that vile man putting myself and Katie in debt but after he died..., yes I was sad, but I was more annoyed! It hurt me to think of him that way,  I shouldn't think of Nathan with negative emotions, I should cherish the memories we had together before everything went sour. And now I find myself married to this handsome, kind gentleman and I want some comfort. He has given me some loving caresses and kisses, but I wonder will he go further?

Everything was going so wonderful in my head that I failed to hear a question directed towards me. I swallowed what I was chewing and looked up at Gina my cousin-in-law. "I'm sorry, what did you say? You caught me woolgathering." I said with a blush to my face.

Gina blushed too, but she smiled at me again. "I said what was it like to live in New York City?" I thought about it for a moment, what was it really like to live in New York? Granted I was born there so I never really felt a difference between the city and the country. I guess one gets used to the city life. I looked at her and I smiled as I wiped my mouth with the napkin that sat in my lap, " I wouldn't really know how to describe the city compared to this beautiful country that I find myself now living in, it's a far different scene from here. It's louder, smellier, more crowded and dirtier and not as beautiful as what you got here. You should be glad that you do not live in a big city." I said. "I'm glad that I was able to be invited here by Jordan and I'm grateful to him for marrying me," I said, as I looked at him secretly wondering if he perhaps noticed me gazing at him, would he wonder what I was thinking.


I caught the subtle glance that shined in Laura's beautiful blue eyes and I allowed a small smile to cross my lips, I laughed lightly too, but I coughed to cover up the sound. I felt as if both myself and Laura were playing some sort of game of the emotions. It was like playing tag as a child, back and forth you would run hoping you would be able to catch the kid you were playing with and against.  My plate was nearly empty from the delicious meal that Gina cooked for us tonight when I caught Logan yawning loudly.

"Are you tired son?" Logan shook his head and waved his hands in the air, "no papa, I'm not tired one little bit." He exclaimed as he covered his mouth again from another yawn. Jordan looked across the table and saw the glimmer of love shining in his wife's eyes, he knew then, that he married correctly. Laura would make an excellent mother to Logan and any future children they may have. Backing out of his chair Jordan got up from the table walked over to his son and ignoring his protests picked him up and carried him in his arms. "I told you, papa, I am not tired." He said. Jordan ignored him, and rubbed his hand up and down his son's back, "I know what you said son but you're going to bed anyway."

As he was passing by Laura he reached out and touched her hand, "would you like to accompany me?" Laura nodded her head in silent agreement and got up from the table as well. She looked over her shoulder briefly before they left the dining room and called over her shoulder, "Victoria? Could you possibly grab Katie from her bassinet and carry her into her new room?"

Victoria nodded and smiled, "no problem love." She said.

I gripped harder to Laura's hand and pulled her along down the hallway towards Logan's room. She squeezed back, and inside my heart, I felt all the past sadness disappear completely.  After tucking in Logan, I watched from the entrance of his room, as Laura bent down and kissed him on the forehead, as I waited for her to come back to my side. When she did she leaned into me and laid her head on my chest. This felt right, it felt so warm and inviting, and I never wanted this moment to end.

But it did as I backed away from her. I wanted so much to embrace her but I had to keep to my promise. The promise that I made to myself and to her. I promised her that I would give her some time to mourn her late husband. 

Although for a Split Second I thought I saw a glimmer of anticipation in her eyes, did she really want me to hold her and comfort her? Did she want me to kiss her and begin our wedding night?

No. I must be joking with myself, I must be imagining things! I know what it felt like to lose someone in death, I have walked the same steps that she is walking right now. I know that she feels like she wants me to hold her, she wants me to embrace her but I know that's just a lie. Or is it?

We were standing still in front of my room, I didn't even begin to turn the knob of the door because I was afraid of what was going to happen. Should I reject her advances? Or would she reject mine? Before I even thought of another word, I was surprised for she leaned forward and initiated our wedding night by placing a gentle kiss on my lips. I held back for a moment, but I must have lost all reason because then I just kissed her back all the more. I couldn't control my hands, as I turned her around and had her pressed against the door. I kissed her so deeply, that it was she who opened the door, and I led her directly towards the bed. I watched as I pushed her back onto it, when she came to her senses she looked up at me and instead of seeing fear or hesitation, I saw desire.

Taking A Chance on Love (Book 1 Of The Tombstone Brides)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora