Chapter 20.

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I felt jittery, jumping at every single noise that happened within the house. Who knows what Lester was planning, we were told by Sheriff Thorpe, that Lester attempted to strike a deal with Henry's cousin here in town. Warren Westin was a completely different person than Henry.

He was an upright and smart businessman who saw no need to harm a woman to get to a child that he had no right to raise. He saw what was wrong with Lester's plan. Lester was too proud to admit that he was wrong.

Jordan came up behind me and laid his hands on my shoulders which made me jump right out of my skin. Of course, it wasn't literal, but it could have been the way that my mind was going right now. He leaned forward and kissed my neck,

   "it's okay my love," he said as he started a gentle neck massage trying to release the tension.

I sighed, "I know, but I'm so scared Jordan, what if he tries to do something harmful to Katie? Or to you for that matter? I don't know what I would do if I lost you."

I said as I broke down started to cry.

Jordan turned me around from where I was standing in front of the sink, and held my face with his hands,

"Darling," he said, "nothing is going to happen to either myself or to our daughter I'll make sure of it."
"But how can you be so certain?"

His sighed as he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead,

"because no matter what he tries I will never ever allow him to harm you."

He said if he drew me closer to him and embraced me. As I was in his arms I inhaled his scent which made me calm down a little. He had this unique woodsy earth smell, almost similar to fresh pine that was newly cut mixed with the smell of lemon wash, the solution you would use for hardwood floors.

"Come," he said as he wrapped his arm around my waist and told me to follow him down the hall towards the children's room, no doubt to check on them and to assure my fears that they were safe and asleep. I nodded, and breathed in a sigh of relief, was there really a reason to fear when nothing is happening right now?

No sooner had that thought entered my mind when we heard glass breaking coming from within the children's room.

We both looked at each other in panic and raced towards the close door. When we did burst through the doorway we looked up and saw that the crib the held Katie was empty and there was Logan laying on the floor next to the window with a large cut on his face. I ran towards him and laying down to my son and traced the cut with my finger not noticing at that moment I was screaming at the top of my lungs and completely losing it until I felt Jordan's hands on my shoulders, calling my name.

"Shhh...," He said, "it will be alright, nothing dangerous is going to happen to her."

I looked up into his eyes and I could see the reassurance in them but still, I was terrified not only for Katie but for Logan as well. My little boy was laying on the ground bleeding from a deep wound on his face. How is he going to recover from this? He was only 8 years old, would there be repercussions from this? Would he have nightmares of this night? Again my thoughts must have run away from me when I heard him moan. I looked down and saw his eyes begin to open, I rushed forward and grabbed him and held him in my arms and started to cry with relief.

"It's okay Mama," he said as he pressed his tiny hands against my back.

I drew forward and looked at him straight in the eye, what did he say? Did he call me Mama? I must have said that out loud because he nodded with tears in his eyes. "Yes Mama, I did tell you that because that is who you are, and I'm so happy about that."

I pulled him back into my arms and hugged him tighter, and continued to cry. When I felt him wiggle out of my arms, or at least try too I released him.

"What happened?" At that he started to cry, "I was sleeping and I heard a noise coming from the window. When I looked up from my pillow I saw this big man reaching into the room towards Katie's crib. I didn't want anything to happen to my baby sister so I leaped forward and grabbed his hand and bit him. The next moment he came into the window and struck me with a piece of glass but he grabbed from the broken window. When I felt my face burn I fell to the floor. I tried so hard to protect her mama, but the man kicked me hard and maybe me pass out. The next thing I know you're next to me crying."

Jordan leaned down towards his son and embraced him as well.

  "You did well my son for trying to protect your little sister. But there's something you must do," he said as he patted his son's shoulder. "Could you go next door to your uncle's place and tell him what happened and ask him to run into town and get the sheriff once the sheriff arrives, we will come up with a plan to rescue your baby sister."

Taking a chance on love  Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora