Chapter 6.

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We were both glad that we were able to catch the late train going out of New York and heading towards the stage Depot near TombStone. We got into our compartment of the train and settled for the long ride towards our next destination in our lives. I was sitting on the seat as I rocked Katie back to sleep, while Victoria was rummaging through her luggage looking for a book to read for the long journey.

A took a chance to look up at the night sky in the window and wondered what my life would be like married to a blacksmith. From the way that he wrote his letters, made him sound like a kind and caring man who wanted to have a loving wife to care for his adorable little boy. Laura really hoped that her desires to have a peaceful life, free of strife and Stress and Anxiety from what she had done to Henry wouldn't become public knowledge. 

When she looked down into her arms and saw that Katie was asleep she sighed. "What are you thinking about?" Victoria said. I looked up and stared into Victoria's green eyes and smiled, I didn't want to voice my true thoughts so I just gave her another excuse as to why I had suddenly grown silent. "Oh, I was just thinking about my soon-to-be husband. I know that I really shouldn't be marrying so soon after Nathan death, but I am curious about how he is and what he looks like. I know that looks don't really matter when you're contemplating marriage, just the personality, But I hope that we will achieve at least some happiness." I said gently.

"Yeah, I hope I have that with Landon. It's kind of strange, I never thought myself to be the marrying kind. I mean after my folks died, I always thought that me being twenty-two that I would be a spinster for the rest of my life. But as soon as I got that letter from Julia and read how happy she was in her marriage and now how she's expecting her first child, deep down I wished for that too. So when you came to me and asked for my help and my opinion on what to do about Henry and how to get away from Lester, I immediately thought about the contents of her letter."

"I'm so glad that you did my friend."

 I said as I gave her hand to squeeze. My arms were getting very numb and tired from holding Katie, plus I was becoming Restless just sitting here, so I asked Victoria if she could hold Katie for a while well I got up and stretch my legs for a bit. She nodded at me took hold of Katie and cuddled her. I smiled, I'm so glad that Katie will have my best friend as an aunt. I know that Victoria will be a wonderful mother if she gets the chance to be one.

I exited our capartment car and wandered towards the dining car, looking to see what the train staff offered to their passengers on a long journey into the West. When I got to see the variety of the foods that were there, my stomach growled with hunger. I wandered over to the table that helped the plates and the knives and the forks and the spoons, I like gathered a plate for myself and a plate for Victoria.

Victoria and I had almost the same taste in food. So I wasn't worried if whatever I picked for her would be turned away. There were trays of sliced apples, pears, and a few handfuls of ripe bananas. When I saw the bananas I smiled because of the bananas were Katie's favorite snack. I grabbed two because I was unsure that Katie would finish both of them once she woke up from her nap. Then I wandered over to the table that held the tray of folded Meats. There was salami, thick pieces of ham and roasted venison. I put a piece of each on both of our plates. Then knowing that both of us had a sweet tooth, I wandered over to the table that held the desserts. There was marzipan, and cake and pie, and other delicious sweet things. Making sure no one saw me I picked up a small portion of my skirt and I grabbed handfuls of cookies. At this moment I felt like a little kid who was sneaking into the cookie jar. (I laughed inside.)

With my arms full of delicious foods, I walked back to our compartment, and slid open the door and walked right in.

Victoria looked up and when she saw my hands full of food she smiled and laughed. She was able to create a small enough space, for my daughter to sleep in safety. Then she got up and helped me with the dishes of food.

"You must have felt like a little kid in a candy store didn't you?" She said as she giggled. I giggled back and sat beside her as we enjoyed our treats.

"What are you looking forward to the most?" I asked her. She looked at me and blushed. "Well, since you've been married before, I think you know what I'm looking forward to," she said laughing. When I thought for a deep second and finally clued into what she was talking about I blushed. "Oh, now I understand I said. Don't worry my love, it is something that we all women look forward to after marriage. All you have to hope for is that your prospective husband is gentle, caring and a wonderful partner in bed." After saying that last statement, we both burst into laughter while digging into our dessert.

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