Chapter 17.

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Two and a half months later...

It was the middle of the night, and I just finished the dishes after a wonderful dinner prepared for Jordan and Landon and our children. It felt so natural to be a mother again, I never thought that I would feel such a calm while doing everyday chores. I was thinking about having a picnic with Jordan and Logan somewhere in the back pasture and I was just deciding on what appetizer I would make for them when there was a knock on the front door. Pausing what I was doing from washing the dishes I looked up wondering who would be calling us at this time of the night. I was just about to approach the door when Jordan jumped from behind, which made me feel slightly scared. He told me to go back to what I was doing in the kitchen and that he would answer the door. I was about to object to his reasoning when Katie started screaming from the nursery. I merely dropped the tablecloth and rushed down the hall towards her bedroom that she shared with Logan. I was in the middle of feeding Katie her bottle of milk when I heard Jordan calling my name. I got up from the rocking chair and with Katie still nestled in my arms, I made my way down the hall and walked out to the front door to see Jordan and our mysterious guest.

I found out who the mysterious guest was, and was wondering why the sheriff was calling on us so late in the evening. He tipped his hat towards me but he also had a nervous and upset look to his face.

"Ma'am, I am sorry to bother you so late in the evening but something has come up and I request you to follow me to the town jail."

Confused, I hesitated before I spoke.

"Why would you want me to come to the town jail?"

Shariff Thorpe rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, obviously having a hard time explaining his reasonings.

"It has come to my attention that you have committed a crime Mrs. Green, and I need you to come with me."

"A crime? What is he talking about Laura?"

Jordan asked me. I felt nervous, could this have anything to do with Henry? I was sure that I didn't kill him, I mean the blow to the head would have hurt but I am sure that it wouldn't have killed him. Why is he attacking me now?

I looked at Jordan and pleaded with him to have some patience. I had a feeling that something like this was going to happen. I was just about to hand him, Katie, when the sheriff stopped me with a hand to my forearm and shook his head silently.

"I'm afraid that the child has to come as well."

"Whatever do you mean? Why does my daughter have to come with me to the town jail?"

"There is someone here to take her away."

"What? No. Did this mysterious person say what his name was?"

"Yes! He said that his name was Judge Lester Blackthorn and that he was the great grandfather and that it was his duty to take her away from her criminal mother."

"But I'm not a criminal!" I quietly shouted, "and judge Lester Blackthorn denied the existence of Katie when she was born. In fact, he disowned his grandson because he married me. He told me in his own words that he wanted nothing to do with the brat that I was carrying. So why would he want to take custody of Katie now? And besides, if you are really coming to arrest me, Sheriff, tell the truth."

Shariff Thorpe reached into his back pocket took out his handcuffs. When I saw the cuffs in his hand I shook my head,

"no, there is no need to take me away with handcuffs I will quietly go with you." I held onto Katie in my arms a lot tighter than I turned to Jordan and kissed his cheek, as I did I that I also whispered into his ear that I loved him and I'm glad I met him and married him. I also told him if he had any questions to seek out Victoria and ask her what this was all about. With that, I turned and followed the sheriff out the door.

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