Chapter 10

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I was so nervous, as both Jordan and I stood before the minister. I kept touching the fabric of the dress that Victoria lent to me. Up and down my hands went until I felt Jordan's hand grab onto mine and he squeezed gently. He leaned into me and whispered into my ear, "nervous?" he asked. I nodded and shrugged my shoulders at the same time. A smile graced his lips, then he kissed me softly on my forehead, "me too." 

He said. We were so caught up in each other that we both failed to hear the minister clear his throat loudly. We turned our heads towards him and laughed. "Sorry," we said together, "please continue Samson," Jordan said as he took a hold of my hands once again. Samson looked annoyed but glanced back down to the passages from his Bible and continued reading about the virtues of love and how 'love never fails.' After what felt like hours since he started the ceremony he finally reached the vows section. Closing the book, he looked to Jordan and recited the passage that the groom had to say.

"Do you Jordan Isaac Green take Laura Naomi Blackthorne as your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold from this day forward, For Better or For Worse richer, for poorer in sickness and in health to love and to cherish till death do you part according to God's holy law? "
"I do." He said with confidence. Then Samson turned to me and repeated the question. " Do you Laura Naomi Blackthorn take Jordan Isaac Green as your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold from this day forward? For Better or For Worse; for richer or for poorer in sickness and in health to love and to cherish till death do you part according to God's holy law?"
I looked deeply into Jordan's green eyes and smiled, then I squeezed his hands and nodded, "you are supposed to say I do." Samson blurted out in an annoyed voice. I blushed, and cringed a little," sorry." I said, "I mean, I do. I do take you as my husband, Jordan."

"Do you have the ring ready?" He asked Jordan.

Jordan looked towards Landon and nodded. Landon reached into his shirt pocket and retrieved a simple golden ring and handed over to Jordan. Jordan took it and slipped it onto my ring finger. It felt a little weird wearing a ring again, but at the same time, it felt wonderful too. I smiled up at him, as we waited for Samson to continue finishing the vows. "By the power invested in me by the state of Arizona, I now pronounce you man and wife, what God has joined together, let no man pull asunder. You may kiss your bride."

I waited for Jordan to lean down to me and kiss me on the lips but was a little disappointed when instead of my lips he kissed me on my forehead. Maybe he thought that it was too soon for me to show deep affection, after all, I was a widow before I became a wife again. Inside my head, I felt grateful for his consideration for my feelings, but in my heart, I felt a little differently. I wanted to embrace him, I wanted him to lean into me and give in to that desire I saw for sure in his eyes. After he kissed me, he pulled me off to the side and pulled me into the pews as it was now Victoria and Landon's turn to get married.

"Good luck", I whispered to Victoria as I held on to her hand and squeezed. Victoria looked at me and smiled, thank you she whispered back. As we sat in the pews watching the ceremony of Victoria and Landon I looked down at my ring finger and rubbed the surface of the golden band that Jordan gave to me. I couldn't believe I was a wife again, it felt really good but also a little odd. At that moment I felt Jordan's arms wrap around my waist as he pulled me closer to him. "How do you feel Mrs. Green?" He asked me. I looked at him and smiled, "wonderful," I said, "How do you feel Mr. Green?"

"I feel relieved really, I missed the closeness that I had with my first wife but I'm hoping that our marriage will be the same, well not the same as what I had with Colleen but something better. I hope that you will come to love me Laura and I hope that I will come to love you."

Just as the ceremony finished with Landon placing a ring on Victoria's hand the doors to the church opened and in walked another woman holding on to Katie.

We turned towards the woman and I wondered who she might be, and wondering why she was holding my daughter. I soon got my answer when Jordan left my side to embrace the woman. 

    "Mother. What a surprise. I was expecting you to arrive this afternoon on the stage, why are you here so early? And where is father?" He said as he looked over the woman's shoulder. 

The woman smiled then looked straight at me and smiled. "I wanted to get here in time to meet my new daughters in law," she said as she handed over Katie to Jordan to hold as she approached me. I thought that she would shake my hand, but she didn't she instead pulled me into her arms and hugged me tightly. I shook myself out of my shock and embraced her back, "Welcome to the Green family, Laura. I am so happy to meet you and thrilled to be a grandmother once again. Forgive me where are my manners? My name is Lorraine Green but you can call me mother." She said as she pulled me out of her arms and then approached Victoria and did the same greeting. I looked back towards my husband as he was cradling Katie, and the scene melted my heart. Katie was snuggling and hiding her tiny cherub face into Jordan's neck. I walked towards them and embraced them both. As we drew apart, the door opened again and a tall and robust older man walked inside. He came to my side and embraced me as well, then he proceeded to kiss me on both of my cheeks, "welcome to the family daughter. I am Vincent Green, but please call me Father, or papa if you prefer." I smiled back at him and caught myself crying. Upon seeing my tears, he frowned, "what's the matter daughter? Did I say something to upset you?" I shook my head and taking the handkerchief that he offered me, I dried my eyes and smiled. "No. It's just that, you sound just like my late father, and it brought back so many happy memories about him that it overwhelmed me." Vincent winked at me, then he pulled me back into his arms and embraced me. "Well, if my voice sounds like your father, I am glad. I never had a daughter, and to finally get one makes me a jubilant one." He said. Then he patted me on the shoulder and walked towards his wife and Victoria and Landon. I sighed. Then Jordan wrapped his one hand around me and pulled me close..., "Thank-you for bringing a smile to my father's face. He hasn't smiled since Colleen's death! Come, Let's go and meet my son." He said as he held my hand and we exited the building.

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