Chapter 5.

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Two Days Later...,

"Hey Jed, How are you doing old man?"

 I asked laughing as I came up from behind him and slapped him on the back. Jed Turned around from where he was working in the livery, adjusting a saddle for one of his customer's horses and he looked at me as he wiped away the sweat from his forehead with his handkerchief. 

"Do' in fine," 

He said. 

"What can I do for you, Jordan?" 

He asked me with a grin on his face. I rubbed the back of my neck, which it seems I have done quite often whenever I'm nervous.

 "I was wondering if you and Julia would be able to stand up for witnesses for me and Landon when we get married tomorrow morning. I mean as soon as our brides arrive from the stagecoach. See, we did what you and Julia did, we sent for mail-order-brides."

Jed walked towards me and smiled, then he grabbed a hold of my hand and shook it. 

" Congratulations man, Of course, we will be there, it would be an honor. So what is your bride's names?" 

I smiled. I unfolded the letter that I received a week ago and briefly started explaining to Jed the contents of the letter. 

"Her name is Laura BlackThorn and is a widow with a young daughter named Katie. Says she wants someplace peaceful to settle down and raise her, and that even though she is technically still in mourning, she needs a husband so that she can protect herself and her daughter from the improper advances that a loan shark is making to her. She wants to have protection and asks that I treat her kindly and hopes that soon, I would be able to come to care for Katie."

"Well, do you think you can do it?" 

He asked me. 

"I believe that I can. I know its been three long years since my wife died, but I miss the loving company that she offered. I miss holding her hand and cuddling on the front porch swing, and the conversations that we would have when we told each other about our days. I don't know if we will ever have that with Laura and myself, But I hope someday we will."

 Jed slapped me on the back with encouragement, 

"I'm sure you will. Now, what are Landon's bride's name? I know I sound nosey but Julia would want to know."

 "You'd have to ask Landon, as he keeps the contents of his letters private. But I think I overheard him say that her name was Victoria something. So can you come to the church at let's say around ten in the morning?"

 Jed smiled, 

"We'll be there."

That night..., 

New York City.

"Have you got everything that you need?"

 I whispered to Victoria. I didn't want Henry to find out that I was trying to escape without paying him the full amount. I left as much cash as I could scrape up on the kitchen table, then I gathered Katie into my arms and we proceeded to make our way down the stairs. We were almost to the bottom when I felt a large hand grab a hold of my ankle. Thank goodness, I had a firm grip on the banister because if I didn't Katie and I would have surely fallen to our deaths.

"Where are you three going tonight so late in the evening?" 

Henry asked as his grip on my ankle became even tighter. I winced because I could feel his ring digging into my leg, then I turned my head to look at him, then straightened my spine and spoke back to him, but asked him the same question but reversed it. 

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