Chapter 24.

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We finally settled on a plan of action on how to tackle the situation with Lester and Katie, I turned around for a moment to tell Laura all about the plan cuz I knew that she would be out of it in a way worrying about our daughter but when I turned around she was nowhere to be seen. I looked over to Victoria and ask her if she's seeing Laura.

She to look around herself and shook her head, that's weird she said. I was just talking to her a few minutes ago, where in the world could she have gone? A split second of silence existed between the two of us and within that moment we both thought of the same thing.

"You don't think? She wouldn't be that crazy but she?" I asked Victoria.

She Shrugged her shoulders and then closing her eyes she nodded. "She is very protective of Katie, and she's been worried all night and all day wondering if Lester has done anything harmful to her so I wouldn't blame her for running off and trying to solve this situation herself."

I nodded as well, and then placing my hand on her shoulder I silently told her to tell the others that I was going to go and search for my wife. No sooner had I said those words I heard glass breaking and a gunshot, and at that moment my heart stopped with fear. What has happened? Please don't say that that gunshot has hit my wife! I don't know what I would do if anything happened to Laura. Without even thinking anything further I ran as fast as my feet could carry me to the back in the house. There was no need to search for a door as I saw the shattered glass of a window before me, I jumped into the now darkened room and ran throughout the house searching for that location that I heard the gunshot coming from. I was running down the hall what I heard another gunshot and my heart stopped again. I finally got to the front foyer and I saw my wife standing there holding onto a gun, her hands were shaking and I could see that she was only pointing the gun at her target. I looked over to where the gun was pointing and I saw the Lester trying to get up from the floor.

She had shot him twice, probably intending to shoot him in the chest but missing him by a mile and only shooting him in the shoulder. With the impact of a gun knocking her off balance it also knocked Lester off balance as well. I rushed to her side and gently took the gun out of her hand, are you okay my love? I asked her. She slowly turn towards me with tears in her eyes and nodded her head, yes, I'm okay but this monster he put tape over Katie's mouth do you know how dangerous that is? She's only two years old to put tape over infant's mouth can easily kill her.

I was listening to her explain why she shot the gun when out of the corner of my eye I saw Blaster coming towards us holding on to the wound on her on his shoulder and he had the most vicious look on his face. I did not want this monster coming to harm my child and I hope that sheriff Thorpe would understand if I did this, I raised the gun and I shot him in the chest. With belated breast we both watched as Lester hit the floor dead.

I gathered Laura into my arms and held her tightly to me as I listened to her sob with relief. I2 was overcome with emotion, and we just stood there in the foyer feeling sense of relief because last year was no more in our lives. Or so I thought, because when I thought that he was dead, he wasn't. She snuck up behind us and wasn't ending 2 stop Laura when the sound of running feet came into the house. I looked behind me and saw the rest of her gang standing behind us.

Lester paused with his hand in the air and the knife pointing down towards Laura when he saw a person he never intended to see ever again. " Catherine? How are you here? I thought you were dead, or at least that's what the fools at the facility killed me. Katherine smirked at him and smiled, of course you did I expected that you did because I planned it that way. She said as she took the gun that was extended to her by Sheriff Thorpe and she pointed it at him.

This will be the last time you will ever harm me or my family again, she said as she pulled the trigger of the rifle. And as the bullet barrelled its way into Lester's head we all watched as he finally fell to the floor dead once and for all. I turned to my new mother-in-law and I thanked her for saving my wife and my child. She nodded her head at me then she came towards Laura and embraced her.

Now, where is my great-granddaughter? She asked. Without even speaking Laura pointed to the room across the hall. Catherine knows her head and left the group and went towards the room to embrace her great-granddaughter for the first time. I wrapped my arm around my wife and whispered in her ear, promise me that you won't do anything that foolish ever again because I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you. I love you Laura and I don't want you risking your life or our children's life two and a threat no matter how much you believe that it is your responsibility to do so. That falls on my shoulders my love, so promise me here now but you will not risk your life ever again.

She smiled at me then she kissed me in front of everyone, don't worry I don't think we'll have the need to do that or experience the same fear again my love, besides it seems now that this dark day is done we can finally enjoy the rest of our lives. I can't wait until this new child enters into the world where we can tell Alfred his or her mother was. I said as I held her closer to me. She blushed and nodded her head in agreement.

Let's go home.

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