Chapter 14.

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After we made love, I sat on the bed for a moment and as I looked at my new husband, I smiled, because just like a man he was out cold once he got his reward. I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes. Looking around the floor, I tried to find my discarded clothing that he took off of me. Upon locating it I reached down and grabbed it and started to dress.

I was just getting off the bed when I felt his hands wrap around my waist again. Looking over my shoulder, I could see that he was awake. 

  "Come back to bed."

   "I can't Jordan, we have already wasted the morning and most of the afternoon away in bed. Besides I have to check on Katie." 

I said as I threw my pillow at his face. He caught the pillow and laughed and proceeded to get up from the bed.

 "Where did I place my pants?"  he said a little too loudly under his breath.

"They're right in front of your feet my darling,"

    I said as I giggled lightly. When he looked up at me and saw my blushed face, for some reason I thought he saw a nosy busybody but underneath that look, I knew that he loved me, and deep down that made my day. Because with my late husband I felt that at the beginning of her marriage, but as the years went by that feeling started to disintegrate, and are once intimate relationship became a thing of the past. It was as if the tension and the hardship that was bestowed upon my late husband's shoulders because of the estrangement from his grandparents, that the feelings that we had for one another became my fault. It never made sense to me, why would my late husband who declared to me that he loved me with all his heart that nothing would break us apart would give in to the pressure of the disappointment that his grandfather had for us, why were his feelings fading?

I knew that I shouldn't be living in the past, but sometimes it was hard to give up those feelings. My husband or should I say my late husband is dead and our relationship is dead. The only thing I have left of him is our daughter Katie. Now, I have married again to a man who has also known what it's like to lose a loved one in death, for I'm pretty sure that Jordan feels the same way as I do sometimes. I can see it in his eyes when he notices something that his son has done that reminds him of his late wife. Because I get the exact same feeling when I look at Katie.

I must have been lost in thought because I did not hear Jordan calling my name. Snapping out of my thoughts I turned my head and looked at him, 

   "what did you say?"

 He heaved a sigh and repeated himself,
"I said what were you thinking of?"

   "Oh. It was nothing. Just something from my past. A reminder about a situation that happened in my last marriage. But I understand if you do not want me to talk about it!"

Jordan came towards me and placed his hands on my shoulders, 

    "look at me my dear," he said. 

When I turned my gaze to him he smiled, 

"It is okay to think of your late husband even when you're married to me. Because I sometimes do the same, this marriage is new to both of us, and we both come from relationships that have hurt our hearts and it is okay to think of them in a past tense forum. Because what we have learned from our previous marriages may help each of us come to grips with certain aspects of our current relationship. Now I am not saying that I will replace the love that Katie had for her father and I will say the same thing about my son, but with a little bit of time, I am pretty sure that there will be no reason for either of her children to look to the Past for they will have a father and a mother who cares about that, who will do anything for them."

"What would I do without you Jordan? You're so tenderhearted, and I'm so glad that I met a man like you."

 With that, I hugged him and state in his arms for a few minutes before we both left the bedroom and started our day.

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