Chapter 3.

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"So what do you suggest I do Vic? I have almost run out of my savings, Henry is hounding me about the remaining money that I owe him and he's offering offensive suggestions, that I would never except in a million years. What's more, I've learned that Katie's grandmother passed away last night, and if I try to even approach Lester, he will have Katie taken away from me." I said as I allowed the pent up tears inside of me to come out. Victoria leaned towards me and placed her hand on top of mine, "I wish I could help you sweetheart, but I too am strapped for cash. Though I am considering another option a friend of mine suggested." I wiped my tears away with my handkerchief and asked her what it was. "My darling Laura, could you accompany me to the Destined Hearts agency on 73rd street? I am signing up to be a mail-order -bride. Perhaps there we will find a solution for both of us." She said. "Would I be able to bring Katie along with us?" I asked her as I took a sip of tea from my cup. "I see no reason that you would not be able to." She replied. We finished with our tea and cookies and hailed for a hackney, soon we would be at our destination. I hope it holds out good prospects.

A little while later...,

The nicely decorated blue door opened and a frumpy maid answered, "May I help you ladies?" She asked in a bored and curious voice. Victoria held onto my hand tightly and spoke first. "Yes, we're here to see Ms. Hastings." The maid looked at Victoria and nodded, then she cast her eyes to me and Katie, "and what of you two?" Before I could say anything, Victoria spoke again. "oh, my friend is also here to see Ms. Hastings as well." "Very well," she said, "Follow me." We dusted our shoes on the front foyer carpet and I picked up Katie and carried her as we followed the grumpy maid into the front office. Soon we entered a well-decorated sitting room and we were seated on the sofa and were informed that tea would be brought up and that Ms. Hastings would be right with us. Before the maid left though, I was grateful when she inquired what my daughter would like to eat and drink. I smiled at the maid and told her to just bring her a glass of milk and a sandwich as it was just past noontime. She then left and we were left waiting for Ms. Hastings to arrive. Not more than ten minutes later a middle-aged woman entered the room with a wide smile on her face. "My maid tells me that you two are in need of my services. May I ask what your names are, your ages and why you need my help, as well as to what you are looking for in a husband." She said as she gestured for Victoria to start first.

Victoria smiled. "My Name is Victoria Amethyst Haynes, I am twenty-two and unmarried. I came on the suggestion of a friend who found great success with your business and is now expecting her first child, with the man you set up with her." Ms. Hastings leaned forward and grabbed a hold of her hands, "really? What is her name?" She asked. "My friend's name was Julia Harper but she is known as Mrs. Julia King now." "Oh, yes, I remember her. She was my tenth success story, I was happy to set it up for her. I'd be glad to assist you as well. But before I proceed, let me introduce myself, and then I will ask your other friend about her, then we will begin."

She took a sip of her tea then she cleared her throat. "My name is Ms. Isabel Hastings, and I run the Destined Hearts Agency all by myself. I have run the business for the past nine years and felt that my services could be wanted by men and woman in our country. I receive letters and inquiries on a daily basis asking for my help. I hope I can help you two ladies find happiness!" We looked at each other and smiled. I noticed quickly that her gaze settled on Katie for a brief moment before she looked at me. I looked down at my daughter and saw that she was yawning. I picked her up from the floor and held her in my arms and began to rock her to sleep, then I turned my gaze to Isabel. She gestured for me to tell her who I was and so on, so I sat up a little bit straighter and began my story.

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