Chapter 21.

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I felt sick to my stomach with worry, wondering how my baby girl was doing in the hands of that evil man. What am I going to do? How are we going to resolve this and how hurt is she? I wondered as I sat at the kitchen table holding tightly to a steaming cup of tea that Jordan had prepared for me.

Jordan came up from behind me and pulled out a chair beside me, and sat in it and wrapped his arm around my shoulders pulled me closer to his side, no doubt trying to reassure me that everything will be okay.

"What are we going to do Jordan?"

I said as fresh tears welled up in my eyes and started to fall down my face. Just the thought of my precious baby girl in danger made me feel very nauseous. I'm not sure, but this deep dark feeling I had in my gut was either my worried emotions about Katie's disappearance or it could be something else entirely. I had a sneaking suspicion that it might be..., then it might be a new blessing in our family. It could be possible that I was pregnant with my second child.

Though I couldn't focus on that matter at the moment, I had to keep my focus on Katie. I looked up when I heard the front door open, and when I saw Sheriff Thorpe enter the room I was filled with anticipation. Could he have positive news? But when I looked into his eyes my hopes died, for I could see that he did not have good news whatsoever.

" I am sorry Mrs. Green, but my deputies and I have searched the town all night and we cannot find one trace of Judge Blackthorn or your daughter." At hearing that I broke down and collapsed on the floor crying my eyes out. Nothing could help me get up from the floor. Even Jordan couldn't get me up it, was like I was stuck to it with glue. My heart hurt so badly, my poor baby girl must be terrified. Scared out of her wits. I'm supposed to be her mother, her protector her provider off protection whenever she's in need or in danger and now she is in danger and she's nowhere within my vicinity!

Finally, Victoria came into the room knelt to my side and picked me up off the floor. She then pulled me into her arms and comforted me.

"Shh..., Laura it's all right, everything will be alright. We will find her do not worry. Besides honey, this added stress of not finding Katie it's not healthy for someone in your condition."

Both Jordan and I perked up when Victoria mentioned that. I mean I had some suspicions but I was still unsure, and just like the first time when Victoria I noticed that I was pregnant with Katie she has noticed that I'm now pregnant with my second child.

Jordan immediately came towards me and embraced me and holds me closer, holding onto my back and rubbing up and down with his hands.

   "Is it true my darling? Are you really pregnant with our child?"

With tears in my eyes I nod at him, he then brings me closer to him and kisses me on the forehead and lastly on the lips.

"Come my love, I think it's time that you get some rest, not only are you worried about Katie but now you have to take care of yourself because you carry a precious gift inside of you."

I know that he's right, I know I have to take better care of myself knowing that I am now pregnant with my second child but still I am terrified for Katie. He was about to escort me down the hallway towards our bedroom when there was a knock on our front door. Could it be? Is it possible for all our problems to be resolved and someone other than the sheriff has found my daughter and returned her to us?

I know that sounds preposterous, but you can't help a woman from fantasizing about that type of outcome. Victoria takes the lead in answering the door but then with the door wide open and her blocking the view, I could not see who is standing in the threshold.

"Victoria? Whatever is the matter? Who is at the door?" I asked as I hold on to Jordan with all my strength.

Victoria does not answer, instead, she stands there in a stupor. Curious myself, with Jordan's help, I also approached the door, and when I see who Victoria is staring at I'm too and shocked. Four right there, standing within the threshold of my home, is a woman whom I believed was dead...,

Katherine Blackthorne, Nathan's grandmother, and Katie's great-grandmother. Before I even know it, whether it be the stress of not finding Katie or the realization that I am pregnant or seeing someone back from the dead, I see shadows in my view and before I know it I blackout.

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