Chapter 13

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I have always been an early riser, even when I lived in the city, though to some people in my late husband's circles that would sound preposterous and strange. Being a wife again felt even weirder for me, especially when I woke up in a strange bed and I was lying under unfamiliar sheets, as well as having another person lying beside me! I heard no sounds coming from the kitchen that was down the hall from my new room, so I figured that it was left to me to get up early and see to breakfast. 

I turned slightly over and looked behind me to see Jordan sleeping very soundly with his arm laying heavily across my waist. How in the world was I going to roll away from him without waking him? I lifted his arm very carefully and moved it so that it landed on his own hip, then I quietly got up from the bed and eased myself over towards the edge, I was just about to put my foot on the floor when I felt myself being tugged backward and I landed back in Jordan's arms.

I grunted as I turned my head to stare at him. He had a smile on his face as he stared right back at my eyes, "and where do you think you are going?" He asked me. I smiled back at him and sighed, "to get up and prepare for the morning meal?"

He shook his head and pulled me tighter to him, "what do you mean by no?" I asked with a confused look on my face. He didn't say anything in response but just pushed me back down towards the pillows and cuddled me closer and tighter to his body.

"Since last night was our wedding night I am not ready to let go of you yet". He said.

I giggled, was this common for men out in the country? It was different here than it was in the city. I've been so used to getting up early preparing for the morning meal and getting Katie ready to go to the lady I hired to look after her that laying in bed and doing nothing so early in the morning felt wrong. 

I smiled at him, "As much as I would love to stay here and lay with you, its time we should get up and begin waking up the household, Jordan." I said as I disentangled his hands around from my waist and attempted to get back up. But he refused to let go. And pulled me tighter towards him and making me break out in laughter. He kissed me on my cheek then he kissed my closed eyelids and finally he kissed my lips, and as he leaned away from me he inhaled my scent and looked deeply into my eyes and kissed me again, 

    "Gina can see to the household chores, my love," he said as he pulled me even closer into his embrace. I blushed but shook my head, 

    "It is my duty as your wife to take apart in caring for this household. Gina has done an excellent job in the absence of your late wife but now that I am your new wife Jordan it has now landed at my feet."

Sighing heavily, Jordan got up and leaned on his arm on the mattress and looked at me again. 

    "I suppose it's time to get up, though admittedly I don't want too," he said quietly under his breath and then grumbled. I laughed at him and kissed his cheek,  

   "There is the man I fell in love with the letters that you sent me." He looked at me and confusion, 

  "How would you know how I would act after we got married from just a few simple words I wrote to you in a couple of letters before we met?"

"I could sense your responsibility from every little word that you expressed to me in them. It taught me that you were a reliable, and loving person who put others before himself. It showed me that you would do anything for those you loved, even if it left you alone in the world you would put yourself before them, and I gratefully admire that." He pulled me closer and hugged me. Then he pushed me back down on the mattress and started to remove my top, "what are you doing? It's time to get up!" I asked him in a giggled voice. "I am not ready to relinquish you to the family or the mornings light. I have other things in mind that we can do together," He said as he began placing hot and steamy kisses on my collarbone and lowering his kisses down my neck. I smiled and reciprocated, then he pulled the covers over us and began to make love to me once more.

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