Chapter 23

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"...If you feel any pain or discomfort tell me." You nodded, following your Mom's orders. Normally they wouldn't allow family members to be your doctor but in this case it was a little special. Your Father managed to get a male doctor assigned to him rather than your Mom, much to his dismay. You however were still lucky to have her.

Recently you've been struggling move, your muscles ached and when you tried using your 'quirk' for the first time, you blacked out due to the pain. According to your Mom and a bunch of science and medical talk, your body is able to handle the quirk being inside your body, using it and being able to live pain-free was a whole other story. If it weren't for Bolt being so successful you'd be writhing in pain, unable to comprehend things around, practically brain dead. Now, your writhing in pain, but NOT brain dead.

Your Mother laid a gentle hand on your forehead, making you jolt in your spot. You felt like you were being electrocuted, but it wasn't painful. It tickled. The tickling continued for a few minutes before a more painful shock went down your spine.

"Ah, Mom!"

She smiled kindly before her hand left your forehead, instead a small kiss replaced it. "Let's try a few more exercises to get your body used to the ache of not having stood up properly in a while." She began to write something down on her clipboard. You nodded your head, getting ready to reach for your crutches. "Hold on, wait until nurse Mei comes in, she'll help you this time."


knock knock

"Ms.Uyeda?" A nurse slid open the door, tousled, short, brown hair rested on her shoulders. 

"Ah Nurse Mei!" Your Mom warmly gestured for Mei to come in. "Mei, this is my daughter (Y/N). (Y/N)," your Mom turned her head to you. "(Y/N), from now on Mei will be the one helping with your exercises. I'll check in every now and then to see you're progress." She began to flip through her clip board before scribbling something down. "Right now, (Y/N)'s goal is to regain strength in her muscles. We've tried letting her use her quirk but... There hasn't been any progress... It's best not to pressure it for now." Mei nodded before the clipboard was handed to her. "I'll be taking my leave now. I'll be back in 3 hours or so, take breaks if you feel like your exerting yourself." With a simple wave, she left through the sliding doors. 

You swung your legs over your bed, grabbing onto your crutches before hobbling over to Mei you smiled down at you. "I'm sure you'll recover quick enough before U.A re-opens." Mei then gestured for you to follow her. "Now, let's start you're exercises."

"Excellent (Y/N)! It's like you were never even hurt!" Mei cheered as you began to walk the hallway at a steady pace, your crutches leaned against the wall next to Mei. 

"..." You suppressed a groan as you took another step forward. Compared to training in U.A, this was a cake walk. However it was incredibly tedious and boring, you already missed the action packed training back in class. 

I wonder how everyone else is doing... I wonder...

"...Mei." You looked up at Mei who tilted her head. "May I go visit someone?"

"Oh well... Is it okay if this could be done after you're walking exercises?"

"I can walk there... You can consider it as part of the exercise." You crossed your arms before turning on your heel. You hissed in pain but continued to walk the opposite direction. "Let's go to the receptionist, I can practice on the stairs as well-"

"With all due respect (Y/N), I think this could wait." Mei jogged lightly to your side, gently laying a hand on your shoulder. "You're mother would like to check up on you in 15 minutes. I'd suggest we head back to your room." Mei reached her hand out to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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