Chapter 10- Part II

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Chapter 10- Part II

Today was the second day of interns. After school, your class used the subway to Hosu central, and from there you and Todoroki walked to Endeavours agency. The walk wasn't as silent, you talked more with Todoroki today, which you didn't mind. Todoroki didn't either. By the time you were back in Endeavours office, you left again immediately for the patrol, he did not want to waste anymore time.

"Ah! Endeavour-sama!" Ms.Mincewell hopped off her office chair and waddled her way to a rather angry Endeavour.


"Don't worry, there are no more business men. Actually, it was a direct report to you." Ms.Mincewell handed Endeavour a single sheet of paper. "There's been suspicious activity down at the Hosu District Mall and it's requested that more pro-heroes are to be present at the scene." Endeavour took the paper and read over the words as Ms.Mincewell spoke. "Other agencies will surely get this report too, it'd be best if you go there though. We'll get our profit." She scurried back to her desk. "I've already sent the first City Patrol batch down the streets so that you could go and tend to the Mall with the two interns."

"Hm...Thanks..." Endeavour grumbles before heading to the elevator. You and Shoto followed along. "We'll stop at the training room where you'll put your belongings and change into your hero costume." Endeavour looked down at both of you. "This is your first day out as heroes, don't make fools of yourselves."


After changing into your hero clothing, you met with Shoto and Endeavour outside the building. From there, you all ventured off towards the Hosu District Mall, Endeavour took the lead. He decided it was best to walk, just to patrol the street along the way. You could tell he took his job seriously. Through out the walk, Endeavour kept talking about local villains, their mindset during crimes, what to do and not to do.

"Believe it or not, sometimes it's best to retreat from a battle if you know you can't fight and win." Endeavour spoke, and you took that advice to heart. Finally, it wasn't useless word vomit.

"Hm...What if you're driven to a corner?" You asked. "Pro Hero Ingenium recently got hospitalized after fighting Stain..." You remembered Iida's brother, frowning at the thought.

"In his case, he just lost, plain and simple." Endeavour spoke gruffly. "When driven into an undesirable situation, something you can't escape, it's best to stall and wait until other pro heroes come to the scene." Endeavour took a quick glance at an alley way you passed by. "We can't predict the outcome of every battle, but the best decisions need to be made when in a fight, and for a hero its our duty to protect citizens over capturing the villain." He then went on to explain about hero priorities and hero senses. It was rather interesting in your opinion, however Shoto didn't seem to engage much in the conversation. Shoto seemed to notice your glance.

"These are things he's told me before." Shoto sighed in boredom. "This isn't anything new." You nodded in understanding.

"I see...My father told me something similar long ago...But I guess it's so buried in the back of my mind that I've forgotten." You whispered. The mall was now only a few meters or so away, you could see it in the distance. Though you'd never admit it, you were a little eager to go shopping rather than patrolling the city. Especially since it just seems so dead and lifeless at the moment, you wouldn't really think any criminal activity would happen.

"HELP! THIEF!" A woman wailed in the distance. She was on her knees in front of the entrance to a coffee shop. A few meters away from her was a man holding a purse. He had weird spider legs protruding from his back, so he was walking rather fast. Endeavour immediately went into action, jumping off towards the mugger. You noticed a few reporters were wandering just across the street filming the entire scene.

Perfectionist [MHA Reader x Various] (Under Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now