"His soul returned to the world, to walk it alone and never find his heartmate." Em carried on. "When your soul knows its mate is there, it longs and yearns for them and when they don't meet... it beings to lose its light."

"So now, it's the second life?" Nami asks angrily. "They would have kept them apart and taken P'Kong's soul?"

"You forget the rule, child." The Blood Prince answered. "With Kongpob's soul in its possession, Arthit's would follow. Pairs."

"If I didn't..." She couldn't even imagine what would have happened. "Memories...wouldn't P'Kong have eventually membered P'Arthit? Look for him?"

Nami felt it, something deep inside Kong when she was around, it felt the same as Em.

"Kong doesn't have them, his memories or knowledge of his magic." Em's voice was pained. "The demon took them."

It placed a curse, to make sure Kong would long for him but never remember what he was longing for. If Arthit hadn't found Kong...Em was scared to think about what would have happened.

"When was this contract made?" Poppy asks. "Wasn't he killed in front of Arthit?"

"No, he was still alive but just barely." Em told them. "Someone found a witch with power, who helped them call a demon. The price the demon wanted was Kongpob's soul."

"Once it knew he had a soulmate, it would have gone after Arthit."

"Yes." Em thinks back. "At that time, we only just managed to save Kongpob but I remember the elder saying they had sent for help."

"I think the help would have been me." Master Panitchayasawad answered. "The command came from Him. The Grand Master, my grandfather himself."

"That would be...?"

"Whom you know as Dracula." Master Panitchayasawad told them. "I was asked to keep him safe."

"You did that by turning him?"

"I had no choice, they had...hurt him too badly." His brows furrow. "If I didn't turn him, he would have been lost."

"The soul is old and sacred." Nami thought of something. "Could a demon just find it so easily? And a soulmate to?"

"Normal demon, no." She tells her the old rules, Nami was powerful it made you forget sometimes that she was only a child. "One of the Demon Lords must have come."

"I thought demons couldn't walk the earth." Nami looks around. "The treaty says so."

"The humans didn't read carefully when they agreed, there is a loophole." Em told her. "Normal demons slip through occasionally but a Demon Lord can come once, every 100 years."

"Idiots." Nami sighed. "The demons have 7 Lords, but I have a feeling..."

"They lie, there are 9." The Blood Prince replies. "The two hidden are the most dangerous."

"What about the spell?" Poppy asked. "Can we break it so they can be together?"

"The spell cannot be broken, it is a curse on the soul, but it can be frayed." She told them before turning to Em. "What of the hook?"

Kongpob's soul contained a spell, to keep him hidden and away from Arthit. A curse, that took his memories and a hook.

"We placed that." Em remembered the day well. "No matter where or when he returned, our souls would too."

Mages were elementals and old as the world. They believed in reincarnation and held the power to remember the times they walked the earth.

"Placing a hook would mean someone sacrificed their magic and you do not have the power to perform such a complicated spell." She looked to Em. "Who was here?"

"He came himself." Em answered. "The Archmage."

"I have heard that before."

"It is the heresy of us Mages, who command the elements." Em tells her. "The Mages, the Young Lord, the Lords, the Three Earls and the oldest and most powerful of us all, the Archmage."

"Each magic race had a five-step heresy system." The Blood Prince clarified. "Just different names."

"How do we kill a demon?" Nami was a hunter but she didn't remember reading much about them in the records. She knew her family was generations old so there must be old records in the Kongtanin house, she had to speak to her grandfather.

"We bring it to this plane, where it is vulnerable." Knot answers. "We have been destroying its searching magic, it knows Kongpob is protected."

"Taking soul mates is very risky." Her hand touches the sphere in front of her, which glows. "One mistake is all we need."

"It doesn't know they have met." Poppy looks around worried. "What will it do when it does?"

"That is where our protection comes in." Master Panitchayasawad looked determined to protect his son. "The more they are together, the faster his hold should unravel."

"Then we let them, the soulmates, break the spell." The Blood Prince smiled. "While his connection is active, you let Arthit turn his Beloved."

Love was a double edge sword, it would protect the soulmates but it would cut the demon, deep. They had to be patient, fray the spell enough and then make their move.

"Will it kill the demon?"

"Hurt it enough, that we can kill it." The Prince controls his anger, hurting his grandson was not something he would forgive. "They make such a deal with their essence. It will bind it to this realm long enough for me to end its misery."

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