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What a fucking night this is, dammit

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What a fucking night this is, dammit... I can't stand chicks anymore.

Can you stand yourself?

Shut the fuck up! You dare to speak. What am I doing? I'm an asshole. Am I talking to myself? And that chick Claudine turned me off. Good slut, sure. But shit.

You'd like a blowjob from Reva now, admit it.

Fuck you, subconscious! Yeah, I would. Whatever shit I want, I have it with whoever I fucking want I get horny with. It's my right. Fuck! Screw me; she saw the other bitch come out of here.

The funny thing is that I was waiting for her to start yelling as chicks do, and I'm fucking mad badly. Reva just said what she had to say and disappeared.

She didn't stop liking me, did she?

Maybe I still have a chance. I mean, stupid fucking hopes, but ok. I like her; I've never turned off her. It's true. It's fucking true.

I'm calling Stephan to come into the office.

"Yes, sir," the asshole says typically.

"Call Reva Lennox for me," I command.

The prick's gone bad!

"What are you looking at me for? Am I more beautiful?" I say more aggressively.

"Mr. Green, I want to tell you-"

"Cut the crap, Stephan. Don't say 'Mr. Green' and all that, and just talk," I say to the fool because I hate it when he takes that look. He knows we're intimate with each other.

"Yes, all right," the hen says.

"Do what I told you first and then tell me whatever shit you want," I say.

I have to find Reva.

"Why do you want to talk to Reva?" the trace asks.

What? Whatever the fuck I want! What's your problem? Why am I saying it in my gut like an asshole and not spitting it in his face?

"Why should I fucking answer you, Stephan?" I'm getting mad at the asshole. What does he care anyway?

"She's not yours, Dorian," the prick says to me and goes away.

I grab his hand and stick him against the wall. I'm getting close enough to him so that we're face to face.

"Don't you fucking dare talk back to me again," I whisper, looking him in the eye.

He got the message that I'm not kidding. He knows I never warn. I threaten directly.

"Don't forget to pick your fucking feelings out of this field because it's mine," I smile at him fiendishly, but I mean every word I said.

I'm out of his sight before I change the form on his face, and it takes him a month to see the light of day.

What the fuck, damn it, does he like Reva? The moment he knows I'm touching there, he should be scared shitless.

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