Chapter 11

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Jungkook sighed silently at the loud noises that came from the cafeteria. He was sat next to Mingyu who was laughing at something Bobby was saying. Sehun was scowling at him from across the table which he ignored.

He glanced across the room at the Blacktan table. They were talking quietly, some of them were laughing. It was really amazing that all the members spent all of their time just to sing and dance so quiet and refined. Lisa was sitting there, next to Rose.

Jungkook liked to watch Lisa when she didn't know that he was watching her. She looked like she didn't belong there.

Suddenly the words of the song that he sang for the first time at the Blacktan club stuck on his head.

I began to have dreams and I wanted to make your dreams come true too.

Lisa had told him that she would've be something big in the future and Jungkook believed that now. Since they've met, Jungkook finally had something that made him excited and happy.

Lisa looked up just as Jungkook still looked at her. Lisa simply smile and Jungkook smile a little. Lisa looked away and glanced back only once before turned her attention back to Rose.


Jungkook almost jumped out of his seat. Tzuyu slipped onto the bench next to him and followed his gaze. Tzuyu's lip glossed smile faded when Jungkook ignored her and she was frowning. Then she turned to looked at Jungkook and a grin replaced her frown.

"Guess what?" she enthused.

"What?" Jungkook asked as his eyes were falling down. He couldn't even begin to guess.

"I'm joining Blacktan club!" she said.

Jungkook almost choked on his food as he still didn't believe what he had just heard.

"Y-you can't join Blacktan club." Jungkook shook his head. "Sectionals is next week, Tzuyu."

"I know!" Tzuyu apprised him. "I already talked to Mr. Bang and he said that I can start in April! Isn't that great? Now we'll be together all the time." Tzuyu said as she put her head on his shoulder.

Jungkook's day couldn't be any worse than this.


"Can Tzuyu even sing?" Lisa asked when Jungkook told her that Tzuyu as joining Blacktan club in April over the phone.

"I have no idea." Jungkook replied and he sounded distressed. "I can't go anywhere without her following me, I swear."

Lisa frowned. Jungkook was suck and idiot most of the time.

"Why don't you tell her that?" Lisa asked.

"Are you kidding me?" Jungkook exploded and Lisa could almost see him raising arms in protest and surprise. "I can't do that."

"Are you going to let her push you around forever?" Lisa asked.

"That's the plan." Jungkook muttered and Lisa was rolling her eyes.

"Are you serious?" she asked. "You really plan on spending the rest of forever heeding to her every call?"

"Do I have any other option?" Jungkook asked.

Yes, Lisa thought. Yes, you do.

She didn't say that because that would lead to be very awkward silence.

"Jungkook, I don't think we— "

"Lisa, sorry. I have to go." Jungkook cut her off. "My parents are fighting again and I have to go as in I have to do something, I guess."

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