A day with parents

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I never felt more relaxed and at peace. To be with them knowing the truth was a blessing I never knew I would have. Since my birth we were separated and finnaly, after so many years we were toghether and I forgeve them..or I think that I have. No one was happier to be relieved of such burden then the girl I used to be. So my first wish was to be with them like we used to be when we were in Malaris. They agreed and we decidied on a picnick. I was so exited. Packed my bags,food,drinks...everything had to be perfect. This is how that day went..

Me: So who is ready for a family day...I can't even believe I just said that. 

Zambovia: Nither can we... I have counted the days and seconds to live long enough for this moment in time and space with you. I love you so much. I am proud of everything you have acomplished and you are so so brave and beautifull...

Daniel: I have never in my life been so happy then the moment when you called me your father.. I love you so much..you desirve so much more and better but only thing we can give you is our love

Me: Your love is only thing I needed..I have waited as long as I can remember to find my biological parents.. and to be so blind and ruthless to you when I found you..I can never forgive myself for that. I am sorry and I do love you *sad face,tear rolling down my cheek*( I could smell all of their feelings, I could sence the senzation of the love which was hugging my heart makeing it bigger ad stronger)

Zambovia: There is no time to cry...today we celebrate...

Daniel: Indeed we do..happy bithday

Zambovia: Happy 18th birthday Angelica

Me: First bithday with you as my parents.. this one is special..Thank you * huggs*

Zambovia:*sadly* More special then you know..

Me: Mom why do you say that so sadly *my hearth jumped when I said mom...something feels different*

Zambovia: NO! I am not sad it's just...you have grown so much without us..I  know that this is lame but I wish that I just saw you when you were a child..to put you to sleep everynight,to hug you when you were sad...to love you unconditionally..

Me: Maybe there is a way for you to do that still..

Zambovia: What do you mean..

Me: *exited* give me your hands I want to show you something...you too dad..

Daniel: *smiles* Still not used to that name..

They both gave me their hands..I wanted to show them what they have wished for. With my powers I could go back to the past and show every single moment we have all were denied ...since the day they left me to the day they came to me again... In split second ..like a flash pictures were glowing. I gave them all of it..My childhood was now theirs too..

I was so happy..I hadn't realised how bad that moment was until..

Zambovia: It is her...CAPTURE HER !NOW!

Me: Wait WHAT?! What is going on..

Zambovia: You stupid child...haven't your parents ever tell you not to speak to strangers?

Me: WHAT strangers.....?

Zambovia:*shapeshifts to a gigantic woman* Do you get it now..? I SAID CATCH HER!

Me: SHAPESHIFTERS.....I KNEW SOMETHING WAS WRONG!* My wings flash open and I tackle the woman down....

Daniel:*or who ever he was changed to a man even bigger that the woman*

 He tried to grab my leg but I saw it already ...this hand was familiar...There was no way I could fight them both alone... I flew in the sky and moved from them as fast as I could...

I know this scene to well by now. I had this dream five tousand times...Me flying trough the sky ...somebody chasing me and A SWORD ...I need to be carefull. OH HOW CAN I BE SO STUPID... In my dream my parents saved me..and Jack and the stupid me drew them away and who even knows where they are right now. I need their help.. I hope this message will get to them..hopefully.

To anyone who can hear me now ..please I am sorry ..I will explain everything when I get the chance..I need your help..Zambovia? Daniel? ....Jack? Please forgive me ..I need you!!

Time was passing no one was showing up..but the bad guys were not following me..Have I managed to escape them? I have to fly somewhere far...Even in my dreams when I relaxed then is when they find and attack me..or was that a metaphore ..When I thought everything was fine and I relaxed , enjoyed a day with "my parents" and that is when they almost got me. Can I take an effing breath.

Zambovia: *wisper* Artemis are you there?

Me:(How can I know that she isn't the shapeshifter?)*bravely* I am here Z?

Zambovia: I can't see you...where are you?

Me: Is it really you?

Zambovia:*confused* What do you mean?

Me: Unless you answer this question correcly you won't find me..

Zambovia: Artemis are you ok? I'll answer ..

Me: I am fine now...Where did you find me

Zambovia: What do you mean?

Me: What was the name of the city you left me when I was born?

Zambovia: Malaris...Artemis why do you ask me this... YOU WERE COUGHT BY SHAPESHIFTERS WEREN'T YOU??

Me: Yes,now that was too easy ...*sneaky*(I know ...our first adventure If she knows this it's the real her) HOW did you turn off the water when we were saving Malaris from Malisson?

Zambovia: I told you then ..I will never share that secret ... not at least now..

Me: Oh thank God it is you.... *says a chant and becomes visible again*


Me: Thanks,mom!

Zambovia: MOM! Wow what happened to you...?Did they hit you?

Me: I told you I need to explain some stuff now where are others I need all of you?

Zambovia: Daniel is finding Jack and I came to you..He told me to wait for them in the woods by the river.. AND YOU HAVE TO TELL ME EVERYTHING!

Me: I will ,but firstly ... thank you so much for coming for me after everything that I have said and done to you..

Zambovia: Well we are family..and family sometimes fight..

Me: I love you!

Zambovia: They must have hit you hard...*smiles so hard and hugs me* Now move your gorgeous wings and let's go..

Me: Yes...let's go!

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