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We have finally managed to reach Anastasia's house safe and sound , well at least some of us. She was standing right in front of her beautiful house. She was waiting. She knew I was coming. I saw her as a very polite woman..I just had this feeling in my bones like I could trust her. A sensibility I never felt before. A someone who has never lied to me before? Is it even possible at this point.

Anastasia: Welcome home, children! Please do come in..

Me: Why thank you mam!

Anastasia: Oh please call me An!

Elanor: Oh aunty, It is so nice to finally see you again. I have missed you so much!

Anastasia: My sweet child.. I have missed you too , but you know the deal...

Elanor: I do. *She was clearly sad about something*

Anastasia: Anyways.. What would you like to drink ?

Me: I would love a glass of water..

Elanor: Me too

Flin : I wouldn't mind it too..I would be happy to assist if you need..

Anastasia: That won't be neccessary I am able to do it by my self...But thank you for the offer.

*Few minutes later*

Anastasia: Here you go...

All of us: Thanks..!

Me: So what I wanted to ask is how did you know about me, and all of this

Anastasia: I spent my whole life as a descendant of Salem witches. I know all of the original spells, voodo, and every type of magick you could never even imagine. But just like you I was born with a special gift. I am able to read into anyones future or past and see what they are all about. So when Elanor sent me a message that you were coming I already started to look into you, but there is a catch I could see only the day you were born and nothing else. So if you don't mind I would like to look into your mind to see what is it that is blocking me.

Me: Under one condition. 

Anastasia:  Which is?

Me: Only you and I can know what you saw and no one else ..

Anastasia: You have my word, now give me your hands..

*She grabbed my hands so firmly  that even my blood flow slowed down. I could see in my head what she was doing. It was so bizzare. My mind was all over the place..Maybe this wasn't a smart idea, but at times like this I need allies. I need her to finnaly tell me what the heck is going on wright here ,and all of you must finally realise why I am the way I am..*

Anastasia: (confused look on her face made me realise that she now knows more about me than any other beeing in the universe. Can I trust her, only time will tell ) *Chantingper vede in a vostra testa aghju bisognu di a vostra divuzione, ùn ti movi o fà alcuna motion.Vi u vostru passatu è vecu i to prossimi muvimenti cusì cumu dicu serà cusì mottu sia. (to see in your head I need your divotion ,do not move or do any motion.I see your past and I see your next moves , as I say will be so mote it be.) AAAHGGGGG ! ( her eyes were spiraling she got it , she knowes)

Me: *mind talking*  What happened? What did you see?

Anastasia: Child I am so sorry.. You've been through so much and yet nothing has still happened. You are in grate danger and I hope you are prepared for what is to come. I saw your thoughts that people are only lying to you, and for most part you are correct, but Zambovia and Daniel are your parents no daubt. They never told you this but I will because you need to know.

After you were born your parents traded their strength and lifes to the devil. They literaly went to hell to save you. With Lucifer they made a deal. As long as you were in that city no one would knew about you it would be like you were never born and they had bo become young again to be like they never had a child. To do that they had to spend a year in hell, and trust me that is a heck of a long time to be. As an angel or half angel to be in hell is like a cop being held in a Mexcian prison.  Everyone who hates them was there. But they sufferd the most not being able to see you. You were the only thing that saved them. At the same time Jacksons parents aka your foster parents agreed to raise you as a way to pay the debt they owed to your parents. You  see Jack was their first born child, and they belonged to dark kingdom, but they were light. So they sicretly kind of sold Jack to Zambovia during one war and she saved him and gave him to a family who had no children. His parents were crushed but happy that their child could become good and he will be safe. Five years  years after that people found out that Zambovia was pregnant and she could not possibly be unless she is baring a gray angel...you. So Zambovia and Daniel collected the debt and asked his parents to guard you in the Devils city without you knowing any of this. And they agreed so happily, because it was a chance for them to raise a child they always wanted. The pland worked and everyone forgot of the rumor as they were in hell and you in the Devils street. But after a year has passed Lucifer did what he knows the best. He was the devil.. He let your parents go as the deal was over, but he killed Jacks and your foster parents instead. That night they died was the first day you were truly alone. And then the barior spell around the city fell . Your true parents found you and they love you more then you even know. It was in the deal that they can not tell you any of this or they would die again,and never return. So only thing they had left was to lie. Jack on the other hand knows nothing of this. He is destined for you. Since the day you were born Jack and you were meant to be. But he has to find the truth for him self.  That was your past and it is horrible. The rest you know your self. But the future is even worse. I saw two paths . I couldn't see further. One was dark,empty and evil. The other one was light but still heavy. I don't know which path you will chose but know thet the world depens on it. 

Your enemy is not who you think it is. You have to have an open mind. AND REMEMBER ... If anyone tells you to listen to them, do as they say ... There the truth lies.

Me: *sobbing* So it was me who killed them, me who killed both of my parents,Jack?  Everyone keeps telling me that the World lies in my hands ,but all I ever do is destroy. I held the possibility of being crazy...I thought maybe this is all a lie I didn't belive them. How could they be my parents, and now I know. I hurted them every single moment we were tughether. Who know how long they waited for me , and how long I wanted to meet my real parents. I drowe them away.  They will never forgive me. And Jack..I can't be with him. I don't care that we were destined. I am not good enogh for him and now I know why I love him. I needed him. Not anymore.

I am the last gray angel on this planet. I have powers that even I do not know about. But from now on I will not hide. I will not be afraid of what might happen. I WILL STAND FOR MYSELF! I will DEFEND those who need my help *stands up* I AM ANGELICA of Michael (most powerfull angel) AND I AM NOT GOING TO BACK DOWN!

*Turnes around to them * I am sorry I have somewere to be now. You keep safe if you ever need me whisper my name three times , whisper Angelica. Anastasia thank you! I needed this! I don't know how I know this, but your daughters will be safe with me if he comes. Lana will succsed but you unfortunatly can't. You know what you have to do. He will come. Tell Lana and Isabel that toghether they are stronger. Zeros is closer then you think tell them you love them. Say your goodbyes. Elanor you and Flin go north there is a place where I used to live, you won't have powers but you will survive I will inprint a map in your head. And congratulations,it's a boy.

*Elanor and Flin looked at each other and she stroke her belly gently*,both: THANK YOU!

Anastasia: *one tear was falling down her cheek* I belive you just unlocked your powers. I belive in you. We belive in you.. Now go..Find them, they have been waiting for this all of their life. 

Me: I know, *estatic* me too..

I stepped out of the house. For the first time I spread my wings ,they were beautiful. I turned around one last time and said : Goodbye!

The sound of wings clapping was deffening. It seemed magnificant. I flown high in the sky and I never felt so free in my life. I need to find them, they need to know. This was so unexpected.

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