Tell me all of it

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Just like I predicted he couldn't resist the urge to tell me everything I asked him. I knew it was dangerous but it had to be done. My powers are strong, perhaps even more than someone should be able to have. And it is so strange,I know, to have them at all. Where were they when my parents needed help. Were were they when that car drove into them and killed them. I didn't even have the time to tell them I am sorry. Sorry for screaming at them, sorry for telling them they aren't my parents,... sorry for hating them so long even if they stayed . Even if everyone else was hating me, hurting me.. they stayed. They were the closest thing I had to love,if I only knew what love feels like. At least I felt like that before. And in the span of 7 and a half months I can smell any feeling (but not understand the meaning of all of them), jump into different dimensions and worlds, control and change peoples minds,all of that and more...much more,but I am not ready to tell you what else I can do...not yet.

So he talked,and I listened....

Jack : there is a prediction from an old man...

"In a land where time stands still ,a child will be born. That child will be no ordinary child,but a bearer of a huge gift no one should have. It will have such powers and it's destiny will be our own faith. He or she has to choose on it's 18th birthday which path shall it go. A path of light will bring us salvation and happiness ,but if the child goes on the other path a massive destruction is coming toward us and no one will be able to stop it. He or she will go through a series of tests that will be determent by it's life. And for what I know the child will have these powers: emotion sense ability, mind play and control, dimension manipulation ,elements like fire,wind,earth and water control and the last one,that I and all of us should pray it never has... time and space manipulation and control. For other I cannot see but the child will be powerful and strong."

He could never see if the child was male or female,but I know we all want to find it and kill it. The last gray angel on Earth...the most powerful being in the universe except the HIGH force that humans like to call God,and it is you!(he looked at me with fear and disgust in his eyes)

Me: *panicking* This cannot be possible,I am not what you think I am I swear ... I would not hurt anybody .. I only..I was only..

Before I could even finish the words Jack was already leaving. I then remembered what I have done,and for the first time in a long time ,my tears fell down my cheeks and onto the ground.

How will I explain that the child is not me. If what Zambovia said was true I am already long past 18,for the love of.. next week I'll be 81 according to her. Tears were flooding the cave so I had to leave..

Me: *sadly looking towards the cave entrance*... I was only afraid!

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