I love you

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Everybody now knowes that I have wings and honestly I am happy about it. One less sicret I have to hide. I promised to change. I have to ..not just for me, but for everyone. If the world depends on me than I have to be the best version of me ? Isn't that what I am supposed to do.

Now the first thing I have to do is find Zambovia and Daniel. That won't be hard. I have my powers and this conection to them that pulls me closer every second. When I findd them if they still want to talk to me I have to appologise and honesty this time. OH how long I have been waiting for this day ..God only knowes. To know for certain who my parents are. I can't wait to see them, now that I know .. I have only wanted the truth. That is everything that I've asked..and now I have it. I finally have it. It is horrible but it's the truth. ...

Feeling of the wind in my wings was amazing. No one was as free and as happy as me in that moment,they are beautifull. I am flying above the trees and rivers soaking in every second of it's beauty. The World is so big and so small at the same time. The skys above can't even describe my face while I was so close to the stars. I wish that this moment stays forever, but just like all good things this has it's end. 

Me: Ah ! There they are!But what....

Scene: It was deep in the woods. A clearness all around them wright in the middle of the trees. Something is wrong. Camp houses .. placed in a circle ..I didn't understand. I saw some wird looking people and they were ...FIGHTING WITH MY PARENTS!

Me: HEY! HEY YOU STOP THAT! ( I've flown so fast..I could feel my featherss cuting the wind) 

I tackled the people around them to ground. Good thing that I had trainings with them before. That was deffenetly my smartest idea ever.


Me:(Still hitting the people I thought were hurting my parents) WHY!?

Zambovia: They weren't hurting us... They are helping us..

Me:(Confused) WHaT? ( I stopped with the punches immidiatly) But I saw them hitting you.

Daniel : That is because  we were having a practise...

Me: Oh! Sorry!

Zambovia: And what the hell are you doing here? AND YOUR WINGS?

Daniel: They are beautiful... You are beautiful..

Zambovia: (I could see she was angry) I asked what are you doing here?

Me: I was looking for you.

Zambovia: And why is that? To insult us more? To drive us again? Maybe even kill us?

Daniel: She killed us already..

Me: I came to apologise..But if you don't want to hear me out I will leave ..

Zambovia: You have five minutes..

Daniel: *silent, but curious*

Me: Thank you! On my little adventure I went to a witch and..

Daniel: YOU WENT TO A WITCH! Do you know how DANGEROUS that is?

Me: Please Daniel just let me speak...

Daniel: * silent*

Me: That witch was extremly nice to me,and because I saved her neece she agreed to tell me something in return. You see she has this gift to be able to enter anyones mind and show them what happened in their past or what might happen in the future. The thing is she could enter your thoughts trough me  when ever we were together and I know everything..

Zambovia: What do you mean you know everything?

Me: *Strange smile on my face erupted* Mom..I know everything..

Zambovia: * Tears in her eyes* Di...d..d...did you just call me..

Me: So mom, dad ..Do you forgive me for I had no idea before how much you sacrificed for me..

Daniel: I can't belive... Finaly..Of course Artemis we, we love you so much...

Zambovia : Oh You have no idea how long I've been dreaming this day I love you so much Artemis..

Me: It's Angelica, and I do know, I love you too...

We hugged and I waited this for so long , but something is strange .. I can feel it in my bones. People all around us look very strange. I didn't know who they are, but I would very much want to find out.

Me: So care to explan why all of you were fighting?

Zambovia: Angelica meet the people of Asseroux, they are a tribe that practically raised me when I was a kid...

Me: Were were your parents?

Zambovia: My mom died while giving birth, and my father died in war when I was around 30 or like 2  when you live normal kid and not a half angel haha.. So my father gave me to the Asseroux, a tribe he  saved in war and they raised me as their own. 

Me: Then I am so sorry for attacking you...I thought you were hurting them

Ian: It's fine ...we like when someones know how to fight..and girl let me jut tell you Gill hes never been beaten by a girl like that..I'm impressed ( Ian was a member of the tribe, he is tall maybe 6'1 , build like Hercules , dark brown hair and beautifull greenish blueish eyes, quite a man. I think he was my age I guess ...not 80 or whatever but 19. I have to admit that we was hot like hell. So different than Jack...why am I thinking about Jack now..)

Me: I had practise, and my apologies you are..?

Ian: OH how rude of me... my name is Ian of Asseroux and as I have heard you are Angelica..?

Me: Nice too meet you Ian! And yes ..I am Angelica ..

Gill: And I am Gill ....a guy who would like a remach...You cought me by suprise       ( even buffer than Ian ..I can tell he is older maybe 23\24? Brown hair,brown eyes , cute but not exactly my tipe ... if I even have a tipe lol..not much to say)

Me: Anytime, anywhere..Suprise me *proud smirk and a wink*

Ian: Ouuch brother ...you are going down haha

Me: Oh the two of you are brothers?

Gill: Unfortunatly * messes his brothers hair*

Ian: Stop that*Gill simrks* .. Anyways..welcome to our tribe Angelica..

Me: *big smile* Thank you! *leaves with Z and D*

Guys were left alone...

Gill:  Oh brother you are blushing! 

Ian: She is gorgeous... and she kiked yo ass ...I think I might fall in love *looking my way*

Gill: I think you already have..and she didn't kik anything..I let her do that so she would know we weren't a threat..

Ian: Sure ...keep telling your self that. Now we have to go dad is expecting us

Gill: Yes..let's go *messes with Ian's hair again*

Ian: STOP .. asshat  ahaha

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