Jack is back

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So I knew I was like a big deal ,but not this much..This is insane! Jack told me what I truly am, and he started by telling me a prophecy ...

Jack: So as I was saying..You ,Artemis ,are the most powerful kind of angel that exist on the planet. Long before you were even born there were five gray angels. Every single one of them was very powerful, and they were all male. Normal angels or archangels have some powers like healing, growing plants, some advance ones can predict future ,and the ones like me we can well like I've said see into others brains to dig their history,and so on... But gray angels can do some pretty bad as* s**t like mind control ,whether manipulation ,alter dimensions jumps,and my favorite time and space control.. So which one do you have ?

Me: I won't tell you , but I am wondering now... can a gray angel have multiple powers ,or do they have just one?

Jack: As far as I know ,all of them only had one ..OH WAIT ... I think his name was ..amm..Neol ! Yes Neol! My grandmother told me once about him.. He was one of the most powerful gray angels that has EVER existed ,he was the only gray angel ever known to have TWO of those powers. I think he had mind control and fire abilities ,but that was so long ago that I can't remember exactly ..

Me: Oh ok ,so what else do you know about them? (I couldn't believe what he was telling me...all of this makes no sense)

Jack: I won't tell you unless you tell me what power do you have?

Me:That is not how this works.. You can tell me here without any pain ...or you can tell me on the ground with my hands around your neck..

Jack: *giggles*I didn't know you like me that much!

Me: *silent laugh * Don't flatter yourself ! ( No matter what I said, he was honestly beautiful. That golden brown hair went perfectly with his sun kissed skin completion and those stunning ocean eyes that you could stare into forever. But that doesn't change a thing.Even if I can't look away from that perfect smile..)

Jack: I don't mind a little ground wrestling with a gorgeous girl..so unless you tell me what is your power ..you won't find out anything else from me..

Me: You schmuck ! Fine ,I'll tell you . For now I can only sense emotions , I can smell when someone is lying or sad ... It is not a big deal!

Jack: Oh really ,so you want to tell me you have the same power that I had when I was six?

Me: Well sorry to disappoint you ,but I honestly don't have any special abilities..

Jack: I don't believe you ,even if I can't smell the lies on you ...You are somehow immune to my powers I can tell for sure..So I will ask you one more time before I leave..

Me: (I panicked ,I need him to tell me everything but if I tell him my powers he might tell them to Jonathan so I did it again) *My eyes went all black as I was digging into his brain ,I had to do something* You will tell me everything you know and more about gray angels ,and after you do you will forget everything that has happened tonight . After that you will leave this town..

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