What am I thinking?

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Days have passed since Jack and I were left alone on this road. I finally got some time to clear my head. He is a great company. I really feel different with him. I don't feel burdened with all of this new life stuff. I sound so dumb..I know. But I can't wrap my head around him. Something feels like he is pulling me towards him, like a magnet, but at the same time I can't forget what he has done to me. I know it is a bad idea, maybe it is because we are alone  for quite a long time, or I really don't know why. He can't ever know that I feel even a slightest bit attracted to him, those are only my thoughts and I will guard them from his magic.

{BTW.. we found the wood where I saw Elanor, and I am a day earlier then the prediction happens so I am happy, we figured we should sleep by the tree near the place until tomorrow and then hopefully find them and save them in time}

Jack: A?? Where have you wondered.I can see you figured how to shield your thoughts from me. Getting better in this I can see.

Me: (giggles) It would be nice if you STOPPED digging through my mind...you know you can ask me if you want something..

Jack: Where is pleasure in that?

Me: Is everything a game with you?

Jack: I haven't noticed you "disliking" my games so far..

Me: Then you haven't paid enough attention. 

Jack: Is that so..(Isn't she stunning..Jack what are you thinking, stop staring at her she will notice..There is something so magnetic in her that is pulling me, but I know she hates me..or I think she does. Her smile is so catching..)

Me: JACK STOP! We are here

Jack: (snaps out of his thoughts) OH...K , so now what?

Me: Now we sit here and wait..

Jack: As you say... but it is almost night, should we build a fire it will get colder here?

Me: We can't someone might see us and prevent us from saving them, we just need to stay awake and under the tree, I have a blanket that should help me..

Jack: and what about me?

Me: (Oh sh*t , I can't be close to him he will know, but I can't be a bi*ch and let him freeze to death, if he can even die?) Oh..well you can cover with my blanket too, it is big enough for the both of us.

Jack: (If I go under her blanket she will know..but if I don't I will freeze, maybe that is better then for her to be uncomfortable) It's fine I can manage on my own

Me: ( so he dislikes me so much that he would rather freeze than to sit next to me, and now I am angry) Am I that annoying ?

Jack: Huh?

Me: you would rather freeze than sit next to me?

Jack:(what is she talking about?) NO! I just didn't want to bother you I know how much you dislike me..

Me: (DISLIKE? What is he talking about? ) I don't dislike you that much that I want you dead!                 ( WHY DID I SAY THAT? Artemis really?)

Jack: ( so she does dislike me, well that makes everything much easier) So you do dislike me, but you need me so you don't want me dead ? (That sounded cruel, but she saw it coming)

Me:(OH come on! I just blew out everything, but at least I know what he feels about me, so this will go much easier) OH COME ON! If you don't want to be warm ... FINE! Don't come., but if you are going to nag this whole time you are free to go , because I don't NEED anyone.  I will figure this whole thing by myself, and as I recall you were the one who wanted to help me in the first place..

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