What is the problem

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We wanted so hard to escape Jonathan's place or the so called Institute. I was now not only afraid for my life but my new invented powers as well.  Just a week ago I was  sitting in my backyard chilling with my friends worrying about nothing for the first time in my life,and now it is all so complicated again. And I don't know if I am happy for my real parents, and my powers, and everything in between ... wait I do know. The answer is NO ! How could I be happy for my best friends\parents lying to me for our whole life together or these destructive powers that everyone is afraid so much of that I was forbidden to even be alive in the first place. Now I did what I did to Jonathan and Zambovia and who knows what they will do from now on with me. I am terrified every single second of my life. I don't know how to control myself...I don't know what is the truth anymore...And now we have to run away until we find a corner of the universe that no one will look to find me . As far as I know , there is no such place unless I go back to were I have lived my whole existence AND I AM NOT GOING THERE EVER. So if you are wondering What is the problem ,let me tell you. Every single moment of my miserable life was a lie,and I don't know who or what I am,I don't know what exactly can I do and honestly I really just don't want to know nor exist in the first place. If Zambovia and Daniel knew they couldn't have me ,because my life would be in danger ,and they couldn't be with me...why did they give birth to me.Do they even love me or was that a lie too..

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