Do you want to know the story?

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The story is a bit hard to explain,even the first part was ... confusing. But, I will forever feel regret if I don't tell you what happened next.
My story is twisted. Sometimes I myself don't understand it. Only after time has long passed it has started to be bit more clear to me. So, if you are reading this thinking you already know the ending than please tell me , because even I don't know how this adventure ends. But to get to the ending you must first start at the beginning.
You know my past.... You know who and what I am, but you don't know what is ahead of me. You don't know my upcoming battles. And I wish I can tell you there will be just one big epic fight like the ones you see in a movie but unfortunately that is not the case. This battle was fought for a long time now . I had many more in my life time and if you want I can tell you all about them. For now.... let me tell you all about this one.

It all began with two enemies.....

Kneel before the queenWhere stories live. Discover now