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You must be wondering by now why is my story called after my mother, when all I ever talk about is me. So  before I start telling you why ,just tell me one thing: if the story is clear right away, what is the point of reading it.

Many years ago,when I wasn't even born my parents were sworn enemies. My mother was in Jonathan's army.

(Jonathan, as you know him from before, is the leader of the light army of angels (otherwise known as Emperor). He is the most powerful archangel that had lived in centuries.......)

She was best known as general of the second biggest army in history. They called her "general Zambovia the good". She fought many battles and everyone loved her until...well until my father came.
Daniel was also in an  army . He fought in dark angels troop. And their leader was Gorout ,the worst of all. He was not only the leader of the army but their king also. He controlled everything in the dark world. But never mind ... My dad Daniel he didn't like being dark but just because he was born into it he had to be one  . Even though his grandparents were good and light. Millenia has passed since the last time any angel could choose whether they would be light or dark,that rule has been removed because everyone could not handle the pressure after they transferred.

So as I said they were pretty bad enemies. But one day Daniel decided to run away,and Zambovia went into the woods to take a fresh breath before training. And as the stars wanted, they bumped into each other. Zambovia saw his black hair and wings and immediately  tackled him down on earth. She thought he was Goruts spy (which was practically true). But he explained everything even though she didn't believe him. I think it's funny that such love can come from such hate. But I guess otherwise it would not be a good story if it didn't happen. Inspite her intuition saying something is wrong, her heart was telling her otherwise. She agreed to let him speak but she won't let him come near the kingdom of light. So he told her everything and much more because he felt he could trust her. And when he turned around to leave she grabbed his shoulder , turned him around and kissed him . She felt ashamed but her heart couldn't let him go. He looked her with sparks in his eyes and kissed her too. It was a mach made in heaven. After that they met in the woods every night and talked until dawn. As their love bloomed her job fell loose. They removed her from her status. She became just a solider but she didn't mind that. She was in love.
But one day she came into the woods but Daniel wasn't there. He went back to the dark kingdom and told Gorout he did his job. His mission was to remove Zambovia from the position of general and he did that. But the problem is he never thought he would   fall in love with her so badly. He felt horrible for what he has done but he couldn't change it now. So he put a spell to cover his wings. And tried to go back to her but it was too late . When he came back he saw her and started to cry . One of her wings was white and light but her other wing was pitch black. To you it must sound crazy but that means she is more powerful then she even knew. Like I said the power of change was disabled she shouldn't supposed to be able to change ,but she did. Daniel knew that she is now in danger because she is different.
He knew he had to do something so he did...

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