Concert day 1

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Sorry havent updated in a while...

I yawned walking into starbucks.
"not enough sleep?" someone asked i looked back toby
"i guess, goodmorning by the way." i said.
"morning!" he responded.
we got in line ordered out drinks and had a good time and then we had to leave. When we got to the place and got everything settled connor toby sierra and ryan were all in a room playin guitar. I was so tired i didnt seem to want to sleep well. In the next room over it sounded like the vamps playing oh cecelia. Now i know bye and i are couting as celebrities but im pretty sure we can still like other artist and fangirl or guy over them . I started moving my head a little bit while on my phone because thats what i heard the vamps.
"u ok?" ri comes over im not realizing what im doin.
"yes i think im imagining so u wouldnt believe me." i said
"haha no i think its true i hear the vamps too." ri laughed
"wait u know that i lov the vamps too?" i was questioning
"heck yeah we have seen ur profile page for a while now and i kniw tristan is ur fav." ri made me blush
"u are one stalker" i laughed
"hop on lets go see them." ri guiding me to do a piggy back ride
"no i dont think thats the best idea u got here ri guy." i said unsure
"cmon. r u afraid ur gonna freak and run back here?" riley new my thoughts
"r u reading my mind?" i jumped on his back
when we got closer to the door it was loud we could still hear music i jumped off of riley. he knocked loud enough at least tried once.
"hey riley man!" brad answered
i could feel my ears heating up what is it with me although now i remember i did act like this around bye. riley and brad did a bro hug and riley introduced me to brad like really i know who he is. we walked in and i could see tristan laughing with connor. my face was now heating up i could feel my face red i tried looking down so no one would see but riley "accidentally" pushed me towards tristan and connor (ball) i gave him a look. "hey jo poe 2" connor immediatley said. howd he know that? I thought. "Or wait are u jo poe 1?" said shyly and the accent was amazing.
"shes jo poe 2" tristan answers
l smiled
"oh so i was right the first time." connor (ball)
"yup" i responded "well i better get going the concert starts in a few just wanted to say and i lov ur music." i continued.
riley and i left walking back riley started talking "so hows it with toby?" he asked
"its amazing dont tell him i said this but im just letting it our cuz i trust u. i really lov toby hes made me feel so welcome and wats the word?" i askes
"loveable?!" riley said before we got to the door.
"all the van-tastic words" i responded. He smiled
We all got together prayed and went on stage. it was amazing the crowd was louder than ever. "that was one crazy night!" Toby came by me so sweaty.

Updating soon! :) hope ur enjoying.

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