Part 38

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Nj me and my sisters drummer and Betzy our photographer came so they were at the hotel too. "you had some nice jams out there." Nj said
"Thank bro!" I said grabbing water from the mini fridge and then getting my phone. Betzy and nj watched tv and talked I decided to head back outside for some air. "I'll be back" I said shutting the door behind me. "when you look me in the eyes" the song was replaying in my head yes even if it was 8 years ago I've always loved it. I pulled out my phone dialed my moms number and called her.
"Hey vanna." She answered.
"Hey how u doin mom?" I said
"Alright we all miss u." She said.
"Yeah me too "I wiped my face stoping the tear.
"Um so when r u coming back?" She asked
"In about maybe 2 weeks." I said
"So that means U will miss Dakotas birthday party?" She questioned
"OMG I'm gonna miss that well I could try and fly in but I would only be able to stay for like an hour." I said
"Don't worry when u get back we can celebrate." mom said it sounded like her voice was cracking
"Alright." I said feeling bad.
"Well it's late I better go get rest for the show tomorrow I LOV u." I said
"Ok goodnight LOV u too." mom said
"Tell everyone I said miss them too and even if I can't be at the party I know kota wants connor there so U better invite the mcdonoughs." I said
"Alright honey I will." mom said and we hung up and headed back upstairs well at least tried to until I heard my name. I looked around. a girl was running towards me.
"Hi did u just call my name?" I asked
"U-u-UR jo Poe 2? Omg" the girl was out of breathe. I put my hand on her shoulder.
"Hi are u ok?" I asked
"I'm-im -im a poezer I love u and ur sisters music." She was still half out of breathe.
"Awww thanks that means a lot." I said
"Omg EMILY U can't just run off like that." It must have been her mom. "omg is that-"
"Yes it's me." I said with a smile.
"Mom take out picture PLZ." The girl EMILY said
"Well honey that's up to her we can't pressure her." her mom told her.
"Haha no it's fine really I don't mind I'm not like those who r like I got to go nice seeing you I love seeing fans and talking to them." I told her mom. we then shot a pic.
"Thank u so much I'm so glad I finally met U." EMILY said. she was a cute little one.
"Your welcome and I'm so glad I got to meet u :)" I smiled
With that she grabbed her moms camera and looked at pics while walking away and I headed up back to the hotel room. I looked at my phone that was vibrating *new video from the guys* they were all doing different things such as toby saying "pizza" a thousand times and going at it with lonnie who wants a cheeseburger and the rest who either want nandos chipotle or starbucks those boys drive me crazy sometimes but in a funny way. it was thomas who sent the video so I txted back "hey dude U guys made me laugh but now I'm missing U tons more cheez seems like your having fun see u all soon."
"Hey U alright?" Nj asked as I walked through the door.
"Yeah mom called looks like I'm missing my little sisters birthday." I said
"Aww that stinks I'm sure u could work something out tho with olly he seems to be the kinda guy who wouldn't mind." Betzy said
"Yeah but what about the fans?" I asked
"That's the hard part." Betzy said
"We will talk in the morning tomorrow is day 2 goodnight." I said heading to bed I was really tired.

Sorry this was short :/

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