Part 40

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At the end of the performance and having fun it was time to head back to the hotel pack up and leave for a day we are flying in tonight and staying with my aunt who knows I'm staying for the night and then the next day for Dakotas birthday.
"You ready?" My security guard bobby asked.
"Yeah!" I said grabbing my last luggage and heading out of the plane. my uncle was there an so was sierra.
"Hey!!!! Omg how r u? Have u gotten taller? Girl u make me feel to short." my uncle said as I was hugging hin.
"Hey sis! How's it with olly and the guys?" Sierra asked
"I'm great and maybe I have gotten taller and Its going alright ps no one told anyone else I was coming right?" I questioned
"Yes vanna we haven't told anyone so chill." My sister flat out said
"Thanks." I replied with that said Betzy and nj got on the tour bus with bobby and our bus driver to stay at Brandon's (Betzy) house for the night and I would be heading with uncle earl and sierra. So we got in the car talked for a while once we finally got to the house I talked with my aunt becky and couzin Jordan and now the newer one gabby and played with her and then went to bed before the long day. I was staying in the room I was suppose to be in when I was 16 because that's what they all say. I always enjoyed there house because it was big they had a pool and books, music, big tvs to watch Disney channel, (haha I am still a big disney fan don't matter the age no more it never has ;)) and it had a pool table to play pool. it was amazing. before bed Jordan challenged me to play a game so me sierra him and uncle earl played.

The next morning:
"Are you deaf or is it just me..." My phone ringtone was going off I practically rolled over and knocked it off the little dresser. ugh I hate when this happens who is it now? I thought
'Hey vanna it's kota I took mommys phone for a second and voice recording this I just wanted to say I LOV and know you have a dream U are achiekeving (haha her pronunciation) it's totally fine and in proud of u keep on moving further if rather U be doing that then being here with (she skipped the) overwhelming family plus U can always see me another time bye lol I said bue.' the txt message said from 'MOmmy!!!' Even tho it was from kota she's so sneaking and smart.
There was a knock on my door.
"Come in!" I shouted.
"Goodmornung!" Sierra said
"Am I the Last one up again?" I questioned
"Yup like always!" She smiled
"Um toby called you last night but U didn't answer?!" She then added
"What? He did? Oh crap! I must have fell asleep. I didn't even see a notification on my phone because everyone's wishing kota a happy birthday!." I said
"That's alright I'll leave so U can call him back if he's awake." sierra said
"Thanks and yeah" I responded
So I called toby back after sierra left and answering "moms'" txt message if u get what I mean.
"Hey vanna?" He asked
"Hey tobes I'm sorry I got UR call but I must've fallen asleep I'm sorry." I started
"Hey it's fine no big deal just calling to see how u were doing U know because we all love and miss u and we understand tour is a busy time." he said
"Thanks for understanding and I miss and LOV u guys too." I sat up on the bed. I heard gabby crying from downstairs.
"Well look I gotta get ready and head to starbucks and then head to Dakotas party. And I don't want to keep U long but LOV u and hope to c U soon." he said
"Alright and have fun today!!! Lov U too." I said
"Bye." He said
"Hahaha U said bye ok bye." I said
He chuckled I heard and then we hung up. I put my phone down got up looked at the clock I had 2 hours before the party. I got dressed into casual jeans black converse and a white v neck just a casual outfit and then headed out the room to the living room to c aunt becky and gabby playing on the floor.
"Ready? We gotta leave in like 5." He said
"Yeah sure." I said. it takes about an hour to get to the house. we all got our stuff and presents and got in the car. I sat in the back with Jordan and gabby I just played with gabby for a little while took a cat nap with her and made her smile.

Sorry left YA kinda at a Clift hanger :/ more coming

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