Concert time

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We arrived and the LA place to set up and we noticed BYE was early. Lonnie (the bus driver) came up to me. "I hope u dont mind but the guys wanted to come by earlier to help set up if that was ok." he said. "Sure that would be lovely" i said
"hey!" toby jumpes up on the stage
"hey toby" i said gettin the microphone on the stand
"hey vanna" connor said hugging me
"hey so what can we help with?" riley asked
they all greeted me
"well um u could help me with telling my family backstage" i said
"lets go" thomas said
we walked backstage i felt nervous but i wasnt even sure y
"mom dad (craig) sierra um especially sierra before you scream um ive been trying to tell u but.." i started
"hey!!" chris shouted the rest of the guys came along.
"its before you exit" i said "toby riley connor thomas ryan chris anthony and lonnie this is my parents and the other jo poe."
"i know ur sister" anthony said
i looked at him like yes i know
"nice to meet u boys vanna talked about u the most." my mom said
we greeted and then got ready for the sound check befote the fans came.
"how u all doin?" sierra asked in the microphone
the crowd cheered i was shaking i was feeling so well but i was pretty sure it was cuz bye was here and they were staring at us every time i looked over thomas would wave. "Who wants to hear that night?" i asked the audience "here we go!"
"...never saying goodnight-" i sang
and we did our parts
"i cant belive bye is here well i dont want to be all fangirly like u but ita meet and greet time i lov it" sierra came over to walk off the stage
"yes" i said
"that was amazing honey" dad said to me
"thanks" i responded
we walked towards meet and greet area everything was crazy i hadnt seen bye since the middle of the concert and i wasnt sure where they went. "hi how r u?" i asked a fan before we got a pic
at the end of doing it with a thousand people it was time to leave i was tired and hungry. "Hey there u are" toby came over.
"hey i didnt know where u guys were either" i saod
"sorry" he said
"no big deal." i responded
"where are the rest of the guys?"
"on the bus we didnt want to be in the way of meet and greet so riley sent me out to tell u that" toby said
"u guys would never be in the way thanks for all your help today" i smiled
"no problem see u around" he said hugging me
"see ya have fun in PA" I said
"thanks" he answered
he turned around to walk away and i did the other way. I walked towards our bus and sierra caught up with me. "Wanna talk about how what everythigg bye?" she asked
"'maybe later" i said "that was an insane night im to tired"
i took a night rest on the way back to the house. ive got 4 more days being in california and BYE was leaving tom. for PA so i probably wont get to see them again.
The next Mornin I did the routine it was windy morning tho. I walked around this morning in the sand hair blowing everywhere and singing some songs. I looked up from picking a seashell and I saw a peice of paper hooked on the fence. "Hey vanna it's before you exit we are sorry we didn't get to say goodbye it was nice to meet u u r much different from most girls hope to c u again sometime feel free to come to a concert sometime :)" the letter said.
I smiled bright.
I decided to walk back to my uncles place and get breakfast. "Goodmornin honey" aunt Debbie said putting bacon on the pan.
"Good morning" I greeted
"So u having a good time down here ur mom talked to me last night while u were sleeping and said u met the boys of ur dreams?!" she asked
I chuckled" haha um yeah it's great down here but I've been seeing the guys since the 2nd day I've been down here but the guys actually just left today" I said
"Aww I'm sorry what's that though?" She asked pointing to the letter.
"It's ok at least I got a min of talking to them and this is the note they left. Can u believe they know I sit on the beach every morning down here?!" I said
"That's good and what'd they say" she asks
"That they had a good time and I should come see them sometime." I responded
"Yeah we could do that sometime where are they right now?" She asked
"Close to where u originally live"
"Nice pics ur mom posted on Facebook" aunt Debbie said
"Great this is the reason I didn't want to say anything" I sighed
"You haven't seemed you self since the day you arrived are u sure u are ok?"
"I'm going to go listen to music." I said ignoring the question y is everyone asking me that I asked. I sat on my bed listening to music. Max comes burstin in. "What is with u?" I asked "y are u always around me u were never like this?"
His eyes widened "sorry but I just wanted to tell u everybody went golfing so I was wandering if u would come with me?" He asked.
"Where?" I asked
"You'll see" he smirked
"Oh great" I whispered

Hope ur enjoying :)

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