Part 36

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While we were in the car I decided to talk to the guys about the olly stuff because I was sorta bored.
"Um...U guys mind if we talk?" I started
"Sure." Toby said.
"So U may have heard about the olly murs tour thing." I said.
"U can go really it won't hurt us plus we have many other times to hang out and it's not a long tour besides olly is a great guy and it would be amazing right?" Toby said.
"Yeah come on U should go." connor said
"U guys are ok with that?" I asked.
"Of course Vanna things change things happen it's called life." riley said.
"Thanks guys I will miss u tho." I said kinda feeling down I have to leave the guys again.

We talked a little bit before we got back to the house and then I had to pack and leave to be in NYC to meet up with olly in 2 days and have a week of tour and then I would be free again at least I was assuming. I'm flying out tomorrow morning.

"Goodmorning." Mrs Joan came in I closed my laptop lid.
"Morning how r u?" I asked
"Great kinda sad UR leaving again but that's alright hbu?" She asked me.
"Same here." I said.
"Well here's some breakfast I just wanted to bring that up UR flight is at 1 right?"
"Thank you and yes it is. I have a few hours before I leave and I just want to say thanks to U and mr Mcdonough for everything I don't know how to say it even more than that." I said
"Your welcome we love having U here and the guys love it when UR here too," she said.
"I bet." we laughed
She left and I ate got on the computer again and then decided to hang with the guys before I left and then Anthony took me to the airport after we said goodbye and then I was in NYC before I knew it and bye was already wanting to facetime while I was trying to get in touch with olly to talk. I had 5 missed calls from toby 1 missed face time from connor and 17 messages from riley and so forth.

More coming soon! How u liking it?

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