Part 43

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I finally arrived back in New York with nj Betzy and the crew in the hotel room. after a few mins of getting relaxed I heard a knock on the door.
"Olly?" I questioned opening the door.
"Hey there vanna got a little something for you in the mail the when you were back at home." olly said handing me an envelope.
"C U in a little while for the show." he said then turning to leave.
"Ok thanks!" I said shutting the door and staring to open the envelope.
"What is it?" Betzy asks
"Fan mail I guess!" I said
I opened it. it was beautiful and colorful and I was speechless the words and art were amazing.
At the bottom I read 'from the van-tastic poezer, cailin I smiled then looked up noticing all the guys staring at me.
"What?" I asked
"Well who's it from what is it?" Betzy asked
"It's from a girl name Cailen and she made a nice peice of artwork." I said handing it to betzy.
"Wait were nj?" I asked
"Idk talking to thomas or something on the balcony." Betzy didn't seem to care.
"WHAT IN THE MCDONOUGH AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME!." I kinda shouted I've become more obsessed with bye oops 😳.
"Uh he's still on the phone you can go talk to him I'm sure." Betzy said.
"NJ!!!!!" I shouted
"What in the McDonough?" He said
"Hey no one says that but me and the EXITER girls!" I said
"Well fine then." He said then continued talking to thomas "sorry TOBYS loud girlfriend is being rude." he said jokingly
"Hey! Maybe I shouldn't be tobys girlfriend." I said jokin
"Maybe you shouldn't!" Nj seemed annoyed I was only trying to be funny,
With that said I just walked back into the room and told the guys come on we got to go.
"Without nj? Is everything ok?" My sec guard asked
"Yeah." is all I could say. why would he say something like that. did he really mean it did I hurt him is that why he is talking to Thomas I was just trying to have fun and play around I didn't think it would irritate him.
We got on the bus and headed to soundcheck.
"NANANANANA" my phone went off.
"Hello?" I answered
"Hey it's nj I'm sorry for what I said earlier I didn't mean it. im on my way hope I'm not too late." he said
"No your not c U in a bit then." I said
"Ok bye we can talk later." he sounded like my father.
"K." I hung up but I wasn't mad nor sad nor happy I was some where in the middle.
"Alright crowds coming in now so let's go change and get ready." olly popped his head out to the stage.

Short update sorry I have school so I won't be updating as much as I used too! :) thanks for reading

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